Dental Implants in Turkey - Affordable, Quality Solutions

If you struggle to cope with your existing dentures or don’t like your gap, the most natural solution is dental implant Turkey. Contact now for dental implants prices in Turkey!

Myra Dental Centre Turkey / Dental Implant Treatment

Embarking on the journey of dental implants in Turkey opens doors to a combination of affordability and premium quality solutions, promising a transformative experience for individuals seeking tooth implant procedures. Myra Dental Turkey is leading the way in the dental revolution, offering a range of dental implants, including internationally recognised brands such as Straumann, known for their excellence and cost-effectiveness.

Dental Implants in Turkey

The dental implant procedure at Myra Dental Turkey is a meticulous process, integrating advanced methods such as the All-on-4 and All-on-6 concepts. The concepts provide fixed and comfortable systems for individuals dealing with toothless jaws, presenting innovative solutions tailored to diverse needs. Myra Dental Turkey guarantees the longevity and success of dental implants by only employing high-quality materials, such as well-known names such as Straumann. They stress how important it is to get proper care after surgery.

Myra Dental Turkey goes beyond the procedure, prioritising comprehensive patient care and support. The clinic's dedication to using high-quality materials and advanced techniques underscores its mission to deliver effective and affordable dental implant solutions. The benefits of dental implants, ranging from natural aesthetics to preventing bone loss, are seamlessly woven into the ethos of Myra Dental Turkey.

Experience a paradigm shift in dental care, where the focus on types of tooth implants, dental implants, and the dental implant procedure converges with a determination to offer top-notch, cost-effective tooth implant solutions. Myra Dental Turkey invites everyone to explore a world where excellent dental care converges with affordability, shaping smiles and transforming lives.

What is the Importance of Dental Implant?

Dental implants are significant because they deliver a permanent and effective remedy for people suffering from tooth loss or other dental issues. Implants are a vital part of dental care because they take the place of lost teeth in a way that appears and feels genuine. Dental implants are important for more than merely a smile's aesthetics. They are essential in restoring the function of teeth, which in turn improves one's ability to bite, speak, and chew.

The capacity of dental implants to resemble real teeth in appearance and function is what makes them valuable. Dentures and bridges are two common alternatives to dental implants, which provide a secure and long-lasting base for replacement teeth. Increased comfort and better dental function are outcomes of stability, which eliminates problems such as slippage and discomfort.

One of the most important functions of dental implants is to stop the jawbone from deteriorating following a tooth extraction. The implant, which simulates the function of a natural tooth root, strengthens and densifies the jawbone through stimulation. Mainly focusing on prevention is essential for maintaining good oral health and facial shape.

Dental implants are significant for more than just their aesthetic value. The implants play an essential role in restoring the functionality of the mouth, stopping the loss of bone, and giving people a long-term, dependable solution that enhances their quality of life. Dental implants have been a game-changer in the field of modern dentistry due to the profound effect they have on patients' oral health and general well-being.

Why is a Dental Implant Made?

A dental implant is made to serve as a life-changing option for people suffering from tooth loss and dealing with aesthetic and functional issues. Dental implants solve the complicated problems that come up if one doesn't have any teeth. They do it by taking their function and appearance into account. People who want to fix their teeth and gums and feel good about smiling again find a long-term solution with dental implant treatment.

Dental Implants in Turkey

Dental implants serve multiple purposes, one of which is to replace lost teeth with a sturdy and long-lasting alternative. Implants replace them in a way that looks and feels natural, no matter how many teeth are missing, improving the appearance of the mouth. Dental implants improve the appearance of a person's smile and give them the stability they need to bite and chew a wide variety of meals with ease.

Dental implants are a major help in preserving the jawbone's structure. Loss of teeth causes bone loss, but dental implants are able to stop it in its tracks by encouraging new bone formation and halting further bone breakdown. It keeps the face from looking depressed and preserves the structure of the teeth. Implants provide a more sanitary dental structure and lessen the likelihood of oral health problems caused by spaces created by missing teeth.

Dental implants are a great way to fix misaligned teeth since they function as replacements. Implants have a significant psychological influence, increasing confidence and self-esteem by restoring a full and natural smile. One permanent and long-term option for missing teeth is dental implants. Implants tend to last a lifetime with proper care and treatment, giving patients a stable and long-lasting dental restoration.

What are the Materials Used for Dental Implants?

Dental Implants in Turkey

The materials used for dental implants are listed below.

  • Titanium: A robust and corrosion-resistant metal widely employed for its excellent biocompatibility.
  • Titanium 6: A type of titanium alloy that has specific properties suitable for dental implant applications.
  • Aluminium 4 Vanadium: Another alloy used for its strength and compatibility in dental implant construction.
  • Aluminium Oxide: A ceramic material known for its hardness and resistance to wear.
  • Tricalcium Phosphate: A biocompatible ceramic used for its osteoconductive properties, promoting bone growth.
  • Hydroxyapatite: A calcium phosphate compound found in natural bone, enhancing implant osseointegration.
  • Polycrystalline Carbon: A carbon-based material chosen for its strength and stability.
  • Carbon Silicon: A composite material featuring carbon and silicon elements, contributing to implant durability.
  • Polymethylmethacrylate: A polymer with applications in dentistry is used for prosthetic components.
  • Polyethylene: A versatile polymer employed for various dental implant components.
  • Polytetrafluoroethylene: A high-performance polymer used in dental implant materials that is known for being biocompatible and having low friction.

What are the Types of Dental Implants?

Dental Implants in Turkey

The types of dental implants are listed below.

  • Endodontic Stabilizers: The implants provide stabilisation within the tooth socket and are used in endodontic applications.
  • Subperiosteal Implants: The implants are ideal for individuals who do not have enough bone since they are placed on the bone underneath the gum tissue.
  • Intramucosal Inserts: The implants have a specific function in the oral mucosa and are designed to be implanted into the relevant tissues.
  • Transosseous Implants: A type of implant that passes through the bone, providing stability through the bone's structure.
  • Endosseous Implants: The area of application determines the frequency and type of these implants, which provide extensive support by embedding themselves in the bone.

Who Can Get Dental Implants in Turkey?

Dental Implants in Turkey

People who can get dental implants in Turkey are listed below.

  • Overall Health: Patients must be healthy enough to have dental implant surgery performed safely. It is crucial to ensure that they are able to tolerate the surgical process and recover effectively post-operation.
  • Gum Health: Healthy gums are a fundamental prerequisite for successful dental implants. Any existing gum diseases or infections must be addressed before implant placement to optimise the treatment outcome.
  • Adequate Bone Structure: Sufficient bone volume in the jaw is essential for a stable foundation for dental implants. Specific procedures are performed to augment the bone and create favourable conditions for implant placement in cases where natural bone is insufficient.
  • Missing Teeth: People who have missing teeth are prime candidates for dental implant treatment. Implants offer a highly effective solution, restoring function and aesthetics by filling gaps in the smile with natural-looking teeth.
  • Aesthetic Concerns: People concerned about the appearance of their smile find dental implants appealing. The implants closely resemble natural teeth, making them an attractive choice for smile restoration and maintaining facial aesthetics.
  • Functional Chewing: Individuals who are seeking functional chewing capabilities prefer dental implants. Implants allow comfortable eating of a wide variety of foods, providing a significant advantage for individuals who want to enjoy a regular diet without restrictions.
  • Durability and Longevity: Patients in search of a permanent tooth replacement solution choose dental implants for their durability and longevity. Implants are known for their lasting results, offering a reliable and effective treatment option.
  • Easy Maintenance: Dental implants are attractive to individuals who want an easy-to-maintain oral care routine. The cleaning and maintenance of implants are straightforward, with no significant difference from caring for natural teeth.
  • Self-Esteem Boost: Dental implants positively impact a person's self-esteem by providing a full, functional set of teeth that look and function similarly to natural ones. The restoration contributes significantly to boosting a patient's confidence and well-being.

In Which Situations Can't Dental Implants Be Applied?

Dental Implants in Turkey

There are several situations in which dental implants can’t be applied.

  • Insufficient Bone Volume: Inadequate bone volume in the jaw hinders the success of dental implants. Procedures such as bone augmentation are necessary to build up bone density, allowing successful implant placement.
  • Uncontrolled Systemic Health Conditions: Patients with uncontrolled diabetes or severe cardiovascular issues are not ideal candidates for dental implants due to increased healing challenges and a higher risk of complications. Consultation with healthcare providers is crucial in such cases.
  • Recent Chemotherapy or Radiation Therapy: Individuals who have undergone recent chemotherapy or radiation therapy experience weakened immune systems and compromised healing processes. Patients need to allow sufficient recovery time and consult healthcare providers before considering dental implant treatment.
  • Tobacco Use: Smoking and tobacco use interfere with the body's healing processes, reduce blood flow, and increase the risk of infection. Quitting smoking or using tobacco products before undergoing implant procedures is advised to enhance the success of dental implants.
  • Untreated Bruxism (Teeth Grinding): Patients with a history of bruxism, or teeth grinding, are not suitable candidates for dental implants without addressing the issue. Bruxism exerts excessive pressure on implants, leading to complications such as implant failure. Treatment or the use of a nightguard is necessary to manage bruxism before dental implant treatment.

How to Plan Before Getting a Dental Implant?

To plan before getting a dental implant, a thorough exam and consultation are required, which includes a review of the medical and dental records before implant surgery. Comprehensive preparation is essential to determining the right implant type and treatment approach. Detailed dental and jaw examinations are carried out, and pre-operative precautions must be taken to minimise potential risks and guarantee the successful placement of dental implants.

Dental Implants in Turkey

Patients need to see a qualified dentist who specialises in oral and dental health and get a full exam and consultation. The initial examination is crucial, as it helps the dentist assess the patient's suitability for dental implant treatment. Factors such as the patient's dental and medical history, the quality of the jawbone, and the number of teeth to be replaced are evaluated during the examination.

Dental implant planning is another crucial step in the process. Planning involves selecting the appropriate type of implant that suits the patient's specific needs. Implants come in various shapes and sizes, tailored to different situations. The dentist explains the procedures, discusses the potential outcomes, and shows the patient images of what to expect after the treatment, minimising the chances of any negative results.

Detailed dental and jaw examinations are carried out, involving dental X-rays and jaw tomography, to provide a comprehensive evaluation of the teeth and jawbone. The information is vital for the dentist to make informed decisions about the dental implant treatment plan.

The actual dental implant procedure begins once the planning is complete. Follow specific preoperative dental precautions, including necessary tests, to ensure a smooth and successful procedure. Patients must disclose any prior surgeries, illnesses, or medications they are taking to help reduce potential risks and complications.

What Do You Need to Know After a Dental Implant Treatment?

You need to know the aftercare routine after a dental implant treatment. Follow post-operative guidelines and keep the teeth in good condition after getting a dental implant. A patient enhances the longevity and function of their dental implant by doing so. Regular dental care and diligence in the early stages of recovery are key to a successful and lasting outcome.

The dentist provides specific post-operative instructions that must be followed diligently. The instructions include guidelines for oral hygiene, diet, and any prescribed medications. Adhering to these recommendations is crucial for a successful recovery. Proper oral hygiene is essential. The patient must continue to brush and floss their teeth, including the implant, just as with natural teeth. Using a soft-bristle toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste is advised to prevent damage to the implant and surrounding tissues.

Dentists recommend an antiseptic mouthwash to reduce the risk of infection. Rinse the mouth as instructed to keep the surgical site clean. Attend all scheduled follow-up appointments with the dentist. Dentists assess the healing process during these visits, check the stability of the implant, and make any necessary adjustments. Keep an eye out for any unusual symptoms or signs of complications. It includes persistent pain, swelling, bleeding, or any issues with the implant. Contact the dentist promptly if there's anything concerning.

The patient must stick to a soft diet in the initial days or weeks after the implant surgery. It reduces the risk of damaging the surgical site and allows for proper healing. Avoid hard, crunchy, or sticky foods during the recovery period. Good hydration supports the healing process. Drinking an adequate amount of water is essential for oral health and contributes to a smoother recovery.

Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption impede the healing process and increase the risk of complications. It's best to refrain from these habits during the recovery. Consider wearing a mouthguard to protect the dental implant if a patient engages in contact sports or activities that have a risk of oral injury. They are not indestructible, even though dental implants are durable. Avoid using the teeth or implant for non-food-related tasks, such as opening bottles or tearing packages.

Maintain regular dental check-ups and cleanings. The dentist monitors the condition of the implant, assesses the patient’s oral health, and provides ongoing care. Care for the natural teeth and gums. A healthy oral environment contributes to the lasting effectiveness of dental implants in Turkey.

What are the Advantages of Dental Implants?

Dental Implants in Turkey

The advantages of dental implants are listed below.

  • Functionality: Implants in the mouth provide outstanding durability and reliability, lasting a lifetime when applied correctly. Their longevity minimises the need for frequent and costly replacements, setting them apart from conventional dental procedures.
  • Independence Within the Mouth: Dental implants operate as standalone structures, not relying on adjacent teeth for support. Its independence preserves the health of surrounding teeth, ensuring oral health during the implant process.
  • Aesthetic Resemblance to Natural Teeth: Dental implants seamlessly blend into the mouth, preventing visual deformities or noticeable changes in teeth and mouth structure. Its visual appeal contrasts with treatments such as root canals and bridges, which have the potential to compromise natural tooth structure.
  • Visual Appeal and Functionality: Dental implants offer visual appeal and functionality, allowing patients to confidently enjoy a full range of dietary choices. Implants allow the consumption of firm foods without risking tooth damage, in contrast to some conventional alternatives.
  • Enhanced Self-Confidence: The aesthetic and smooth appearance of teeth restored through dental implants contributes to enhanced self-confidence. An improved smile positively impacts self-esteem, making social interactions more enjoyable and self-assured.
  • Straightforward Oral Hygiene Maintenance: Dental implants mimic real teeth, making oral hygiene maintenance straightforward. Standard practises such as flossing, brushing, and regular dental check-ups remain unchanged.
  • Freedom in Daily Life: Dental implants provide the freedom to lead a more normal daily life, allowing individuals to eat, speak, and smile with ease and comfort. The comprehensive set of advantages positions dental implants as a long-term remedy for people who have missing teeth.

What are the Risks of Dental Implants?

The risks of dental implants include implant malfunction, bacterial infection, damage to nerves, reactions to allergies, sinus problems, pain or discomfort, gum recession and long-term maintenance. The chance of complications is small when experienced professionals perform the procedure and patients follow post-operative care instructions. Clinics in Turkey are committed to performing high-quality care and providing patient education that minimises the risks and ensures a favourable experience for patients who receive dental implants.

Dental implant failure is a rare occurrence, typically happening when the implant fails to integrate successfully into the jawbone (osseointegration). Factors such as poor bone quality or systemic health issues influence the risk, although there is a small chance of failure.

Infection is an uncommon complication following dental implant surgery. Keeping up with post-operative care instructions and practising good dental hygiene greatly decreases the risk, making it an extremely unusual occurrence.

The rare occurrence of nerve damage during implant placement leads to sensations of numbness or tingling in nearby areas. Careful treatment planning and precise surgical techniques reduce the risk.

Some individuals have allergies to materials used in dental implants. Thorough patient screening is conducted to identify potential allergies before the operation, making allergic reactions a rare event.

There is a small chance that upper jaw implants cause sinus problems if the implant protrudes into the sinus cavity. The risk is addressed through proper treatment planning and, if necessary, a sinus lift procedure, making it a rare occurrence.

Some discomfort is normal after implant surgery, but persistent or severe pain indicates a problem. Following post-operative care guidelines effectively manage pain, and severe pain is a rare case.

The risk of gum recession around the implant is minimised through proper surgical techniques and ongoing monitoring, but it is a potential complication.

Dental implants require ongoing care and maintenance. Neglecting oral hygiene or skipping scheduled dental check-ups contribute to issues in the long term, making regular maintenance essential.

The best scenario involves successful osseointegration, minimal discomfort, and the absence of complications. The outcome has a high probability of success when procedures are performed by experienced professionals and patients diligently follow post-operative care instructions.

The worst-case scenario includes implant failure, severe infection, or persistent pain. The rare cases highlight the importance of treatment planning, expert execution, and patient compliance with post-operative care.

Risks are minimised by choosing experienced professionals, maintaining proper oral hygiene, following post-operative care guidelines, and addressing any pre-existing health conditions. Thorough patient screening before the operation helps identify potential issues and ensures a more predictable outcome. Clinics in Turkey prioritise high-quality care and patient education to minimise risks and provide a positive experience for individuals undergoing dental implant procedures.

What is the Success rate of Dental Implant Treatment?

The success rate of dental implant treatment is reported as being close to 95% or higher, which is consistent with global success rates for the said procedure. Dentists provide patients with exceptional dental implant treatments using cutting-edge technology, reputable brands, and skilled dental professionals. The patient's health, oral hygiene, the dentist's skill, and appropriate aftercare are all important factors that affect the success of dental implant procedures. The success rate varies depending on individual patient factors, but Turkey is known for providing trustworthy and successful treatments for dental implants.

Turkey uses high-quality dental implant brands such as Straumann and AlfaGate, which are renowned for their reliability and effectiveness. The use of reputable implant brands is a fundamental element in ensuring the success of dental implant procedures. Dentists in Turkey boast a skilled and experienced pool of dental professionals who are well-versed in implant dentistry. The expertise of these dentists contributes to the success of implant procedures.

Dental clinics leverage cutting-edge technology and modern solutions for dental implant procedures. Their technology ensures precision, accuracy, and minimal invasiveness, enhancing the chances of a successful outcome. Proper aftercare and follow-up care play a crucial role in the success of dental implant procedures. Dental professionals offer thorough post-surgical guidance and support to ensure that patients heal and recover effectively.

Dentists employ advanced surgical techniques for implant placement, which are designed to minimise discomfort, reduce healing times, and optimise the procedure's efficacy. Implant makers and dentists invest in ongoing research and development. Their dedication to scientific research and advancement ensures that the cutting-edge and most applicable implant technologies and materials are being used.

What is the lifespan of Dental Implants?

The lifespan of a dental implant is 15-20 years, making it an exceptional option for individuals who want a lasting way to replace missing teeth. Durability is not solely dependent on the dental implant price but rather on multiple variables, such as the implant brand's reputation, proper care, and adherence to post-operative guidelines.

The success of dental implant procedures is linked to the use of excellent implant brands, such as Straumann, renowned for their lifetime and worldwide warranty. The lifespan of dental implants, when combined with these high-quality brands, proper care, and adherence to post-operative guidelines, ensures a lasting and reliable solution to tooth loss. The standalone structure of dental implants, which doesn't rely on neighbouring teeth for support, contributes to their durability without causing harm to adjacent tissues.

The aesthetic benefits of dental implants, which closely resemble natural teeth, contribute to their lasting appeal. Dental implant procedures do not alter the structure of the mouth or teeth in any way, contrary to root canal or bridge procedures. Its aesthetic similarity and preservation of natural appearance enhance the longevity of dental implants.

Dental implants allow patients to eat without restrictions, performing the chewing function effectively. Its significant advantage, especially in comparison to concerns associated with veneers or filled teeth breaking during the consumption of hard foods, adds to the long-term functionality of dental implants.

The lifetime of implants is commendable, lasting for a long time when coupled with factors such as implant brand quality, proper care, and adherence to post-operative guidelines. The focus must be on a holistic strategy to ensure durability and long-term use, while dental implant cost is an important consideration. 

How much are Dental Implants in Turkey?

The cost of dental implants in Turkey is variable, ranging from £315 to £850 per implant. Patients must take into account a variety of factors to fully comprehend the costs involved in the price range. Engaging in detailed discussions with a dentist in Turkey is crucial to determining the precise cost tailored to individual requirements.

Several key factors contribute to the variation in dental implant costs in Turkey. The number of implants required is a significant determinant, with the total cost increasing proportionally when multiple implant fixtures are needed to restore a patient's smile after tooth loss.

The choice of implant brand is another critical element affecting pricing. Turkish dental clinics offer a selection of implant brands, each with its distinct price point. Premium brands such as Straumann, recognised for their lifetime warranty and global acclaim, are positioned at the higher end of the price spectrum.

The reputation and experience of the dental clinic and dentist play a pivotal role in pricing. Established, high-end clinics with experienced professionals tend to charge more for their services compared to smaller practises, reflecting the quality of care provided.

The unique oral and dental conditions of each patient are considered in determining the cost. Specific anatomical factors add complexity to the implant procedure, necessitating additional measures and influencing the final price.

The condition of the patient's jawbone is a crucial factor affecting costs. The suitability of the jawbone for dental implant placement is assessed, and additional procedures, such as bone grafting or sinus lift surgery, are required. The supplementary measures contribute to an increase in the total cost.

Patients are encouraged to undergo a comprehensive consultation with a dental clinic in Turkey to determine the precise cost based on their requirements. Its personalised approach ensures that the final price accurately reflects the complexity of the treatment, the amount of implants needed, the types of materials utilised, and any additional operations. Dental implant costs in Turkey remain competitive despite these variables, making it an attractive destination for patients seeking excellent implant treatment.

What are the Dental Implant Brands in Turkey?

The Dental Implant brands in Turkey are listed below.

  • Straumann (Switzerland): The Straumann Group, headquartered in Basel, Switzerland, is a pioneering company engaged in the research, development, and manufacturing of dental supplies. They specialise in a wide range of dental products, including dental implants, instruments, biomaterials, CADCAM prosthetics, digital equipment, software, and clear aligners. Straumann implants are industry benchmarks known for disruptive technological breakthroughs. Strong and long-term scientific evidence backs up the company's dedication to cutting-edge innovations.
  • Nobel Biocare (Sweden/Switzerland): Nobel Biocare, founded in 1981 and headquartered in Kloten, Switzerland, manufactures CAD/CAM-based individualised prosthetics, dental implants, and other related products. Nobel Biocare is a leader in the U.S. dental implant market and is recognised for its implant sales growth. The NobelPro Line, designed for experienced professionals, offers solutions for complex cases, such as soft bone or reduced bone height.
  • Medigma Biomedical (Germany): Medigma Biomedical is a German company founded in 1992 that manufactures and distributes dental implant systems, restorative components, surgical and prosthetic tools, and accessories. Medigma's product lines are known for high precision and user-friendly features. The company collaborates closely with dental professionals to provide technologically advanced and high-quality products.
  • ImplantSwiss (Switzerland): ImplantSwiss is a reliable Swiss brand in the dental industry, known for innovative solutions, unique surface design, and high quality. Implantswiss is recognised for its innovative solutions, unique surface design, and high-quality dental implants.
  • Cam-log (Germany): Cam-log Implant, founded in 1980, is a German brand that has become one of the most preferred German brands in the dental sector, offering a wide range of dental products. Cam-log Implant is known for its innovations and commitment to service quality.
  • HIOSSEN-Osstem  Implants (USA): Hiossen is a trusted name in the field of dental implants, renowned for its exceptional quality and reliability. Hiossen implants offer a diverse range of implant solutions designed to meet the highest standards of functionality and aesthetics, promoting successful osseointegration.
  • Zimmer Biomet (USA): Zimmer Biomet, founded in 1927, is a publicly traded medical device company based in Warsaw, Indiana, USA, focusing on medical devices for bones, joints, and supporting soft tissues. Quality and customer loyalty are hallmarks of the Zimmer Biomet brand.
  • Implance Dental Implant System (Turkish):AGS Medikal, founded in 2007 in Istanbul, Turkey, manufactures dental implants under the brand IMPLANCE. The FDA-approved IMPLANCE brand, which Turkey's AGS Medikal produces, has made the business well-known all over the world. The company sponsors exhibitions, congresses, and training globally.

Dental Implants in Turkey FAQ

Implant brands that we use as a dental implant treatment in Myra Dental Turkey are high quality brands. Implant treatment fees are also more affordable because taxes, lab expenses, labor and daily needs are more affordable.
You can select an All On concept (All on 4 or All on 6) which is best for you. The treatment in the United Kingdom can range from $ 18,000 to $ 60,000. Prices in Europe are not cheaper. Myra Dental Turkey, offers a solution to all those looking for more affordable price 4 treatments.
In Turkey we prefer our patients best 3 brands of dental implant which are best quality and affordable for you .In USA and Europa these brands are more expensive.Our implant are around 315 pound and 695 pound. Straumann is our first brand which gives lifetime and World wide warranty. Straumann implant is the World best dental implant.
Implant treatment is a procedure performed with a surgical operation. If it is a single implant procedure, it is completed between 10 minutes and 30 minutes. The duration of the implant treatment can also vary from half an hour to several hours, depending on the number of implants to be performed and the patient's jawbone. After surgery, a period of 1 to 3 months is required for the implant and bone to adapt. Prostheses that will be placed on the implant when fused with bone are completed in a few sessions. As a result of implant treatment lasting 1-4 months in total, patients achieve the closest result to the natural tooth and get long-lasting teeth. Implant dental treatment, which varies in the duration of treatment according to the condition of the patient, goes through the same stages unless there is a very extraordinary factor for each patient. First, a dental examination is made and some diagnoses such as tooth, jaw fit and tooth root calculations are made. The dental x-ray is taken and according to the result of this x-ray, the dentist will be given the length of the tooth, the shape of the jaw bone, the type of treatment and the mouth decides the fineness and suitability of the tooth area for placement and makes the necessary preparations. Although the treatment period is usually completed within 3 months, in some cases it may take up to 8 months.
In Myra Dental Centre Turkey we apply 3 dental implant placement method.
Early immediate implant placement
Early-delayed implant placement
Delayed implant placement
In early immediate implant placement method you can get implant placement after teeth extraction.implant is placed original tooths extraction site and you don’t get another surgical operation.Also in early immediate implant placement method we can survive original bone wide and length.
In delayed immediate implant placement if you have a big abscess or cyst ,less gum for closing surgical site,bad bone quality we wait for 6-8 weeks after extraction .After firstly healing gum close extraction site and we apply implant .İn this method we can apply implant for continuous healing site.
In delayed implant placement if you are late then 9-10 weeks we called delayed placement.Gum and bone has contoured and healed.When we apply an implant healing process start from beginning again.After 10 weeks bone has circled so bone has losted wide and length .
Before using 3D dental tomography for dental implant placement gum was separated more from bone surface because of thıs operation was less comfortable. With 3D views we can see all details clearly and Myra Dental centre we are using Sirona 3D volumetric tomography and galileos 3D implant planning software for apply safety operation.
In Myra Dental Centre we have aiming best final restorations .Teeth implant placement is a long process .Before the teeth implant placement we have to plan angles and positions of implants.How much implant enough and necessary is important.All on 4 and All on 6 implant placement concepts change all treatment types.wished life quality change all treatment plans and final restoration.
In Myra Dental Centre for implant dentistry we have some treatment protocols like All on 4 ,all on 6 concepts.When you have an toothless jaw and you want to get a fixed system All on 4 ,ALL on 6 treatment concepts are available .Your age ,gender, state of health,bone quality are important for preferred treatment concept.In first visit Turkey we take an impression and 3D dental tomography from you for control gum and bone and decide which concept is available for you.4 days later yor temporary fixed bridge is ready and we start to implant treatment .After implant operation we take an final impression from jaws and 2 days later we fix non removable teeth on implants. We use resorbable stitches .You leave and 4 months later in second visit to Turkey we finish your treatment with a non removable zirconium bridge system.These concepts advantage is you wait healing time with a fixed system which is more comfortable and functional.All on concepts protect jaws and stop bone Myra Dental Centre Turkey we prefer these all on concepts for a permanently treatment .If you have a gum disease or toothless jaw and don’t want to be toothless in healing time or don’t want use an temporary denture we prefer you All On concepts .
All 4 dental implants in the U.S. can range from $ 18000 to $ 60,000. Prices in Europe are not cheaper. Myra Dental Turkey, the All on 4 much more affordable for those seeking treatment offers a solution. Our operational costs in Turkey are low and we made bulk purchases directly from vendors implants and to offer our patients the best dental products at the best possible prices reflect these reductions are possible advantage. Therefore, we can offer you a lower cost for the All 4 treatment procedure, from initial screening to post-operative care. The treatment you receive will be the same branded products offered elsewhere in Europe or the United States. However, the total cost of the entire treatment process will be much less.
Implant treatment is a successful treatment .If you have a damaged tooth or gum disease or a cyst-abscess implant treatment is the only substitution treatment type. Implant treatment isn’t a alternative of root canal treatment. In Myra Dental Turkey implant treatment is a complementary treatment for toothlessness and missing teeth.We offer implants to our patients as a long term treatment
One working day is enough for implant placement. We called that Teeth in One Day method.Properly implant treatment is easier than teeth extraction.After teeth has taken away bone and gum will hurted and it will made a hole which will be healed uncomfortable after 2 or 3 weeks this recovery time anything will be migrated to extraction implant treatment we close gum with stitches.
Teeth implant operation isn’t a painful operation .In Myra Dental Turkey we make local anesthesia and it make uncomfortable but painless.If you want to get general anesthesia it is possible for you. Dental implant Treatment is more easy than teeth take away.
For one implant it takes 10-15 minutes.For some cases patients needs sinus operations and bone operation.For a All on 6 implant operation to bottom and top jaw it takes 2 hours nearly.
The biggest advantage of implant treatment is that the implant is a stand-alone structure. It does not damage any tissues because it does not support the neighboring teeth. In addition, it prevents bone loss in tooth extraction areas over time by keeping the bone tissue around. Tooth loss due to various reasons negatively affects our lives in all aspects. There are solutions to tooth loss if we experience difficult moments in terms of aesthetic aspects, the difficulties we experience while eating and communicating. Thousands of patients undergoing dental implant treatment in Turkey got rid of all these problems in a short time. For this, we will give you a few tips on why you should choose Turkey.
Latest model of health care equipment is used in dental implants in Turkey. Turkish dentists are licensed and experienced.In Turkey, post-operative care and service are high level. After the procedure, recommendations are made in the most accurate way for implant care.Most of the materials used are made in Turkey and are extremely safe.Even if you are away, your doctor can give you various advices on care and treatment. Support is provided from the Internet.Turkey dental implant prices are very cheap.
Dental implant application is an ideal option for you if you have been experiencing toothlessness for a long time and you are bored with dentures. Dental implant application is the best material that can replace your natural tooth in cases of tooth deficiency.