What is the Cost of Dental Crowns in Turkey?

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Myra Dental Centre Turkey / Dental Crowns / Premium Selections

Embarking on a journey to regain oral wellness leads individuals to consider options beyond their local borders, and Turkey emerges as a promising destination for affordable and high-quality dental crowns. The cost of dental crowns in Turkey proves to be attractively competitive, presenting an appealing solution for individuals seeking effective dental restoration without compromising on quality. The average cost of dental crowns in Turkey and the factors that affect it are examined in the article, which is useful for individuals considering dental procedures in the growing Turkish healthcare sector.

How Much is the Average Cost of Dental Crowns in Turkey?

The average cost of Dental Crowns in Turkey is listed below.

What is the Cost of Dental Crowns in Turkey?
  • The Celtra Duo crown: The Celtra Duo crown costs £300. It is a contemporary and sophisticated choice, renowned for its long-lasting nature and pleasing appearance.
  • Porcelain crown: Porcelain crowns, which are obtained for an average price of £140, have a realistic and visually appealing look, making them suitable for a range of dental restorations.
  • Zirconium crowns: Zirconium crowns are priced roughly at £210. The crowns are highly sought after for dental repair due to their exceptional resilience and aesthetic appeal.
  • The E-Max crown: The crown’s average price is £265. It is renowned for its exceptional aesthetics and durability, making it a superior choice for dental restorations.
  • Porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns: The crown offers a combination of metal strength and porcelain's natural appearance. The cost of these crowns is £140.
  • Provisional Crowns: Provisional crowns, necessary for temporary dental treatment, are obtained at an average price of £80.
  • Metal crowns: The metal crown cost £140. They are renowned for their exceptional longevity and are highly suitable for a wide range of dental procedures.
  • Composite crowns: They are priced at an average of £250, providing a customizable and cost-effective option for dental restorations.
  • Resin crowns: The crowns are available for £120. They are cost-effective types of dental crowns. Be cautious about their durability, as it must be taken into account.
  • Porcelain jacket crowns: The crowns are priced at £140. They are renowned for their aesthetically pleasing appearance and effective tooth restorative properties.

What are the Factors Affecting the Cost of Dental Crowns in Turkey?

What is the Cost of Dental Crowns in Turkey?

The factors affecting the cost of a dental crown in Turkey are listed below.

  • Type of Crown Material: The choice of crown material has a big impact on how much dental crowns cost. Materials such as porcelain, zirconium, and premium options such as E.MAX© come with varied expenses, with advanced materials often incurring higher costs.
  • Clinic Location: Geographical variations in clinic locations impact the prices of dental crowns. Treatments in cities such as Antalya are more cost-effective compared to other urban areas.
  • Dentist’s Expertise and Reputation: The expertise and reputation of the dentist affect the cost. Established clinics with experienced dentists charge higher fees due to the perceived quality of service.
  • Clinic Reputation: The reputation of the dental clinic itself plays a role in determining costs. Clinics with a strong reputation for providing high-quality care charge higher fees for their services.
  • Complexity of the Procedure: The complexity of the dental procedure influences costs. More intricate cases requiring additional procedures or intricate dental work contribute to higher expenses.
  • Number of Crowns Needed: The quantity of crowns required directly affects the cost. Some clinics offer discounts for multiple crowns as part of a comprehensive dental restoration plan.
  • Insurance Coverage: The extent of dental insurance coverage influences out-of-pocket expenses for patients. Understanding insurance coverage is crucial to calculating costs.
  • Material Quality: The quality of the materials used in the dental crown, including considerations of durability and aesthetics, contributes to the total cost.
  • Additional Costs: Various additional costs, such as sedation, anaesthesia, or supplementary treatments, impact the total expense of the dental crown procedure.
  • Exchange Rates: Fluctuations in exchange rates impact the cost of treatment for international patients, adding a layer of consideration to the treatment expenses.

1. Type of Crown Material

The type of material chosen for the dental crown influences the price of the operation. Each material possesses distinct properties, aesthetics, and manufacturing processes, impacting the quality and expense of the crown.

Traditional porcelain crowns give the impression of being natural and are suitable for front teeth. They are a cost-effective option, but they lack the strength of other materials. Zirconium crowns are known for their durability and natural look. They involve a more intricate manufacturing process, contributing to a higher cost than porcelain. E.MAX© crowns belong to the premium category, made from lithium disilicate glass-ceramic. They provide outstanding durability and looks that justify their higher cost.

The cost variation is due to the materials' quality, aesthetics, and production complexity. Premium materials such as E.MAX© involve advanced techniques, contributing to a higher expense. Patients choose based on budget constraints and desired outcomes, balancing cost and quality.

2. Clinic Location

The geographical location within Turkey where a dental clinic is situated is a significant factor that affects the price of dental crowns. Different cities have variations in living costs, overhead expenses, and economic factors, leading to diverse pricing structures for dental services. 

Dental treatments, such as crown procedures, are more affordable in Antalya than in major cities such as Istanbul or Ankara due to differences in living expenses. The location factor intersects with the concept of dental tourism, as certain cities attract international patients seeking cost-effective yet high-quality dental care. The particular location of a dental clinic within Turkey is integral to understanding and assessing the expenses associated with dental crown treatments.

3. Dentist's Expertise and Reputation

What is the Cost of Dental Crowns in Turkey?

The expertise and reputation of a dentist refer to their skill level, experience, and perception of their professional standing within the dental community and among patients.

The price of dental crowns in Turkey varies depending on the dentist's reputation and level of expertise. Clinics with highly skilled and renowned dentists charge higher fees for their services. Patients must be willing to pay a premium for the assurance of receiving quality care from a dentist with a proven track record.

Experienced dentists with a strong reputation are likely to have advanced skills in cosmetic dentistry and dental restoration, ensuring a high level of precision and aesthetic appeal in crown placement. Their expertise contributes to the success of the procedure, and patients perceive the additional cost as an investment in superior dental care.

Reputable dentists invest in continuous education, staying updated on the latest technologies and techniques. The commitment to excellence results in higher costs but leads to more advanced and effective dental crown procedures.

The expertise and reputation of a dentist influence the cost of dental crowns in Turkey by reflecting the perceived value of their services. Patients must choose a dentist based on their reputation for delivering exceptional results, and the selection impacts the expenses associated with the dental crown procedure.

4. Clinic Reputation

A dental clinic's perceived prestige and standing within the industry, patient feedback, clinic accreditations, years of experience, success rates, and recommendations from others are all important factors to consider.

A reputable clinic often invests in advanced technologies, employs highly skilled professionals, and maintains stringent quality standards, contributing to higher overhead costs. Patients pay a premium for the assurance of receiving top-notch services, advanced treatments, and a positive overall experience. The clinic's reputation reflects its commitment to excellence, which influences pricing strategies.

5. Complexity of the Procedure

What is the Cost of Dental Crowns in Turkey?

The complexity of the procedure refers to the intricacy and difficulty involved in the dental crown procedure. It takes into account the level of damage or misalignment of the teeth, the need for additional treatments, and the challenge of achieving the desired outcome.

The degree of tooth damage, the presence of underlying dental conditions, or the requirement for additional dental procedures before or during crown placement all affect how complex a case is.

A more complex case demands additional time, expertise, and resources from the dental team. Complex procedures involve multiple visits, specialised techniques, or supplementary treatments, all contributing to an increase in the cost of dental crown placement. The intricacies of complex cases require careful attention and precise execution, affecting the total expenses associated with the dental crown procedure.

6. Number of Crowns

The number of crowns needed refers to the number of crowns necessary for a specific patient. The degree of tooth damage, the presence of multiple affected teeth, or the desire for a thorough cosmetic enhancement determine it.

The factors influencing the number of crowns needed include the severity of dental issues, the extent of aesthetic improvements desired, and the oral health condition. Patients require a single crown for a damaged tooth or multiple crowns for various cosmetic or functional reasons.

The quantity required directly affects the cost of dental crowns. Multiple crowns entail additional material costs, labour, and time. Each crown is individually crafted and customised, contributing to the expense. The complexity of managing multiple crowns requires advanced techniques or specialised procedures, further impacting the cost of dental crown treatment.

7. Insurance Coverage

What is the Cost of Dental Crowns in Turkey?

Insurance coverage is a measure of the financial stability that a dental insurance programme provides for different treatment options, such as dental crown procedures. The policy's terms and conditions specify the insurer's financial responsibility for certain expenses.

Dental insurance coverage significantly influences the cost of dental crowns. Patients with comprehensive insurance plans experience a substantial reduction in out-of-pocket expenses. The coverage varies, but it includes a portion of the total expense or a set amount for specific procedures. Patients with insurance are inclined to pay less for dental crown treatments, making it a more financially feasible option for them. Insurance coverage incentivizes consumers to promptly seek dental care, addressing any issues before they worsen and necessitate more comprehensive and costly procedures. The presence of coverage for dental care greatly influences the financial responsibility that patients bear when undergoing procedures such as dental crowns.

8. Material Quality

Material quality refers to the type and grade of materials used in the fabrication of the crown. Different materials, such as porcelain, zirconium, E.MAX©, metal alloys, and others, vary in quality, durability, and aesthetic properties.

Material quality is a crucial factor influencing the cost of dental crowns in Turkey. The choice of crown material significantly impacts the functional and aesthetic aspects of dental restoration.

The cost of dental crowns in Turkey is intricately tied to the varying factors associated with different materials. Premium materials such as E.MAX© or high-quality zirconium tend to incur higher costs compared to standard porcelain or metal options. The cost discrepancy is directly reflected in the total price of the dental crown.

The choice of material significantly influences several aspects of dental restoration. Higher-quality materials provide superior aesthetic results and contribute to the total cost, especially for patients seeking a natural and aesthetically pleasing appearance. Premium materials come with enhanced durability and longevity, offering a potential cost-saving factor in the long run as they necessitate less frequent replacement or maintenance.

The position of the dental crown in the mouth and the particular dental issues it addresses are two important factors that have a significant impact on functionality, which is another important aspect of material selection. The material choice for the molars, which are subject to greater biting forces and have advantages over longer-lasting materials, is one factor that affects a crown's cost.

Patient preferences contribute to the cost dynamics. Some patients have specific material preferences based on factors such as biocompatibility, metal allergies, or a desire for a more natural look. Accommodating these preferences influences the cost of the dental crown, as the chosen material aligns with individual patient needs and aesthetic considerations.

Material quality directly affects the cost of dental crowns in Turkey by influencing the price of the materials themselves and determining the aesthetic, functional, and longevity aspects of the dental restoration. Patients choose materials based on a combination of preferences and budget considerations.

9. Additional Costs

What is the Cost of Dental Crowns in Turkey?

Additional costs refer to supplementary dental treatments or interventions required alongside the dental crown placement. The procedures include root canals, gum treatments, or other dental work necessary to ensure the success and longevity of the dental crown.

The need for additional procedures impacts the cost of dental crowns. The extra procedures add complexity and time to the process if a patient requires treatments such as root canals or gum procedures before getting a crown. The procedures demand additional materials, expertise, and resources, leading to an increase in the total cost of dental crown treatment. The specific requirements for additional procedures depend on individual oral health conditions and are determined during the initial consultation and assessment by the dentist.

10. Exchange Rates

Exchange rates refer to the relative value of one country's currency relative to another country's. The out-of-pocket costs that foreign patients incur for dental crowns in Turkey are significantly influenced by the currency exchange rates. The factor represents the fluctuating value of foreign currencies concerning the local currency, the Turkish Lira.

The impact of exchange rates on dental crown costs is significant for individuals paying in a currency other than the Turkish Lira. The cost of dental procedures, including dental crowns, varies accordingly as the exchange rates between their home currency and the Turkish Lira change. It implies that the same dental treatment costs more or less in the patient's home currency, depending on the prevailing exchange rates.

People contemplating dental procedures in Turkey must become vigilant observers of exchange rate trends. Awareness of these price fluctuations helps individuals anticipate and understand potential changes in the cost of dental crowns, allowing for informed financial planning. Individuals looking for affordable dental care overseas have to take into account the financial aspects of exchange rates.

Does Insurance cover Dental Crowns in Turkey?

What is the Cost of Dental Crowns in Turkey?

No, insurance does not cover dental crowns in Turkey. Dental crown procedures in Turkey are not covered by health and dental insurance policies that are offered by international companies. The nature of insurance policies and the lack of international agreements with Turkish private clinics make it challenging for these clinics to be directly affiliated with global insurance providers. Insurance policies vary significantly from country to country, and the coverage for dental procedures abroad is limited.

The majority of the time, foreign insurance doesn't cover crowns in Turkey, but because dental care is so affordable there, a patient is able to receive high-quality care from specialists with a lot of experience, along with high-quality supplies and cutting-edge facilities. The cost-effectiveness of dental treatments in Turkey makes these services accessible to a broader range of individuals, despite the lack of direct insurance coverage.

Check the specific terms and coverage details of the insurance policy if the individual has dental insurance. There are out-of-pocket expenses associated with procedures that are not covered by dental insurance, even though their insurance covers some of them. Be aware of these potential costs and plan accordingly when considering dental crowns in Turkey.

What is the alternative to Dental Crowns in Turkey?

The alternatives to dental crowns in Turkey are dental veneers and dental bonding. Achieving a confident and radiant smile significantly impacts one's self-esteem and well-being. The two prominent alternatives to dental crowns have their own unique benefits and ideal use scenarios.

Choosing between dental bonding and veneers in Turkey depends on the extent of the changes needed, with bonding being a more conservative option for minor aesthetic issues and veneers suitable for more substantial smile transformations. Each method provides unique benefits, allowing individuals to achieve their desired smile enhancements effectively.

Dental bonding involves the application of a pliable, tooth-coloured resin to enhance the appearance of a tooth. The resin is sculpted into shape and cured with a high-intensity light, creating a bond with the tooth. Bonding is a minimally invasive procedure, making it an excellent choice for small changes in a generally healthy mouth. Its benefits include being less expensive than many other cosmetic procedures, requiring no downtime, and often being completed in a single visit. Bonding is ideal for addressing issues such as cracked or chipped teeth, changing tooth shape, closing small gaps, improving tooth discolouration, and filling cavities without silver amalgam fillings.

Porcelain veneers are ultra-thin shells custom-made to cover the front surface of a tooth. The veneers, crafted to look exceptionally realistic, bond to the tooth's surface using a strong dental adhesive. Porcelain veneers differ from bonding in that they possess inherent hardness, and dentists shape the original tooth to accommodate the veneer. Veneers offer a beautiful, uniform smile with a realistic sheen, and their porcelain material does not stain. They have a longer lifespan, up to 20 years, making them suitable for patients requiring more significant changes. Veneers are effective for addressing severe stains, discolouration, cracked or chipped teeth, large gaps, crooked teeth, overlapping teeth, and worn teeth. Dental crowns & bridges are crafted from durable materials, such as porcelain or ceramic, to give them a natural appearance.

Is it expensive to get a Dental Crowns in Turkey?

What is the Cost of Dental Crowns in Turkey?

No, it is not expensive to get a dental crown in Turkey. The cost of dental crowns in Turkey starts at only £140 compared to other countries, making it a cost-effective option for individuals seeking quality dental care. The affordability of dental crowns in Turkey is attributed to various factors.

The combination of a lower cost of living, favourable currency exchange rates, and a thriving medical tourism industry makes getting a dental crown in Turkey a cost-effective option without compromising on the quality of care.

The lower cost of living in Turkey plays a significant role. Operational expenses for dental clinics, such as rent, utilities, and salaries, are comparatively lower, allowing them to offer services at a more affordable price point.

The currency exchange rate is favourable for international patients. The Turkish Lira's exchange rate against other currencies contributes to the cost-effectiveness of dental treatments in the country.

Turkey has established itself as a hub for medical and dental tourism, attracting a considerable number of international patients. The high demand for dental services allows clinics to optimise their processes and achieve economies of scale, further contributing to cost savings that are passed on to patients.

Are Dental Crowns in Turkey worth investing in?

Yes, dental crowns in Turkey are worth investing in. The cost savings are significant, with dental crowns being approximately 70% less expensive in Turkey compared to Europe or the US. Dental crowns made in Turkey are just as good as any other, but they are much cheaper.

Choosing a certified and accredited clinic is crucial for ensuring a good investment. Accredited clinics adhere to stringent quality standards, ensuring that patients receive professional and reliable dental care. The certification is an assurance of the clinic's commitment to maintaining high-quality services, using top-notch materials, and employing skilled professionals.

The cost-effectiveness of dental crowns in Turkey is an important consideration, but one must think about the advantages in the long run. Dental crowns improve a person’s oral health, restore the functionality of damaged teeth, and enhance the aesthetic appearance of their smile. Dental crowns in Turkey are a lifesaver for some people, depending on their circumstances.

Conduct thorough research and gather information from reputable sources to make an informed decision. Save money and get high-quality dental care that benefits one’s health in the long run at a certified clinic.

Dental Crown FAQ

We hope that we could explain the difference and benefits of the dental crown in Turkey. We shared all the details about Dental Crowns in Turkey Premium Selections. However, we would like to share some of the questions from you along with the answers. These are very often asked of us, and instead of answering everyone individually, we wanted to prepare a guide in this way.

Even if the dental Crowns do not suffer any damage, the need for regeneration may be necessary as there are withdrawal conditions that occur in the gums over time. It would be wrong to say that veneers can be used forever, if not in the same period of time as everyone else. It is not possible to use it forever without renovation.
Dental crown has two purposes. The first is to achieve an aesthetic appearance, and the second is to protect dental health. Teeth become much healthier after porcelain veneer, since any contact of the substance is interrupted to the main structure of the tooth. The materials used during the porcelain veneer do not have any negative effects on oral health.
Before dental crown treatment, the patient's jaw structure, dental structure and gums are measured. Since mill metric veneers are made according to this measure, there is no such thing as teeth hurt or hurt veneers gums during or after the operation. Local anesthesia is applied during the operation. If there is a pain that continues even a week after the operation, the dentist must be consulted.
Dental crown does not smell in the mouth. If it does not cause complications, this is not possible. The porcelain material itself is not a material that can rot like a normal tooth or cause odor formation. However, gum pulling can cause conditions such as bad breath or a strange taste in the tissues adjacent to the veneer due to the accumulation of food inside the veneers or due to diseases occurring in the gums. To prevent this, you should perform oral and dental care routinely.
Beverages that turn yellow and frequently consumed such as cigarettes, coffee and tea can cause discoloration in veneers. Their use or consumption should be reduced. Otherwise, color changes may occur. You also need to continue your daily dental care routine after meals, at bedtime, or every morning. Suitable toothpaste, a soft toothbrush that will not damage the veneers, should be used. It is especially important to make dental floss a habit. When these are performed regularly, the veneers will remain white for the longest time possible. If these are disrupted, it is not possible to prevent yellowing.
There are multiple areas and reasons where Dental crown is used. The area where it is most common is aesthetics. People with porcelain veneer teeth have a nice smile and teeth have a healthy appearance. This increases the rate of orientation to the coating treatment. Porcelain veneers are used as a method of treatment for tooth decay, tooth deficiencies, breakage and cracking. For this reason, it is possible to say that it is used both for treatment and for aesthetic appearance. This situation also varies from person to person. Treatment and aesthetics are performed according to the request of the person himself.
This condition will also vary depending on the treatment method. When the teeth are only covered, eating and drinking is stopped for a few hours without any other treatment. However, after a few hours, the patient can easily eat and drink. If the treatment method is more elaborate and takes longer, the process of stopping eating and drinking may be longer. Doctors should inform and warn their patients as needed. If the patient does not know about this, the treatment process can be crippled. If your doctor has not given you information, you should ask and learn.
Any products such as whitening products or cosmetic dentistry, do not work on teeth whitening for your dental crowns. In the case of maintaining good oral hygiene, it will take many years to discolour for your E.max© crowns. Even if you are smoking, it will still take many years to the shade to be darken.
We have a vita colour shade card including 30 tooth colours which called universal tooth shading system. Known as BL1 and Hollywood white (the whitest one available in the world.) can be applied. We have all opportunities that available on universal colour range, such as Hollowood white to natural white to yellow and even brown. The most popular colours are Hollywood white and natural white. Within your consultation, we discuss with you about your choise to make you have the perfect matched colour with your eye, skin, hair colour, and other facial details.
On your first appointment, you will get a full consultation in our clinic, including tomographic X-Ray to check the teeth under your gum line. After this consultation we will make any required preparations. If required, we will provide you temporary teeth. Therefore there is no need to hesitate this treatment will affect your daily life till you return a few days later for trial fitting. At following appointment we will check if the adjustments need to be made or not before your final appointment. On the final appointment, your new dental crowns will be placed into area. If there is a need for further adjustment, this will be done in the next 24 hours.
Any finance plans including monthly payments can not be provided for our patients.
At Myra Dental Clinic we believe in patient satisfaction, in this sense we arrange everything upon your availability; just let us know which dates you want to have your appointment with our dental team or ask us for arranging your holiday for you. If it’s your first visit to Turkey, before we organise your whole dental holiday at your request. We arrange everything including; your first quotation for your flight tickets and hotel along with bring you to our dental clinic to get your treatment and bring back you to your hotel again. Our aim is to make your dental holiday comfortable and make your treatment easy for you – as we already have for many patients from all around the World till now.