Cosmetic Dentures in Turkey: Definition, Importance, Types, Procedure and Advantages

Great Aunt’s improper dentures which make clacking noise when he falls asleep after Sunday lunch. So that was the expectation, but not anymore.

Myra Dental Centre Turkey / Cosmetic Dentures

Cosmetic dentures are specialised prostheses that are aimed at substituting for absent teeth and prioritising the attractiveness of the patient's smile. Cosmetic dentures integrate practicality with a keen focus on visual appeal, guaranteeing that the replaced teeth appear unaltered and boost the beauty of the face. They target individuals with lost teeth due to various reasons, including decay or age-related conditions, offering a balance between reestablishing oral ability and improving physical looks.

Cosmetic Dentures in Turkey: Definition, Importance, Types, Procedure and Advantages

The importance of cosmetic dentures in Turkey stems from their combination of quality and affordability, together with the country's proficiency in dental care. Turkey’s dental practitioners offer them to clients who seek to regain oral ability and polish up their smile. Crafting the dentures involves meticulous attention to detail, ensuring they have a pleasant fit and look identical to genuine teeth, providing functional and psychological benefits to the wearer.

How to Explain the Concept of Cosmetic Dentures in Turkey?

Cosmetic Dentures in Turkey: Definition, Importance, Types, Procedure and Advantages

To explain the concept of cosmetic dentures in Turkey, start with an emphasis on Turkey's cutting-edge dentistry industry. Turkey is well-known because it fuses superb oral health care with cost-effectiveness, resulting in a sought-after dentistry territory. Cosmetic dentures in Turkey deal with tooth replacements and focus on visual enhancement, guaranteeing their flawless blend with the smile’s authentic look.

Cosmetic dentures are crafted with advanced equipment and premium materials to produce a genuine-looking set of teeth. Turkish practitioners are adept at designing units capable of optimal functioning and enhancing the face’s exterior appearance. The process involves a careful assessment of the patient's needs and preferences, leading to a personalised and satisfying outcome.

How Do Cosmetic Dentures in Turkey Work?

Cosmetic dentures in Turkey work in two ways, by bringing back the usefulness of absent teeth and by improving the patient’s smile. The mechanism behind cosmetic dentures relies on advanced materials to imitate the visual and tactile characteristics of genuine teeth. They are selected because of their robustness and resemblance to the original teeth, guaranteeing their performance on real tooth tasks and appearing indistinguishable from real ones.

The cosmetic denture design centres on achieving a perfect balance between function and form. Each set is customised to the patient's oral structure to guarantee an exact fit and flawless integration with the remaining original teeth. They’re aimed at providing an even distribution of bite forces to avert discomfort and further complications. The combination of functionality and aesthetic appeal is what sets cosmetic dentures in Turkey apart, providing an extensive remedy for individuals with absent teeth.

The selection and customization process for cosmetic dentures in Turkey involves several steps that focus on individual needs and preferences. Dentists conduct a thorough examination to assess the patient's oral health and specific requirements. They proceed to design the dentures, selecting materials that ensure durability and a natural look.

The process involves detailed colour matching to ensure the prostheses blend seamlessly with the patient's existing teeth. The final product restores functionality and instills confidence, impacting the wearer's quality of life. The personalised approach in crafting cosmetic dentures reflects the advanced dental expertise available in Turkey.

Why Are Cosmetic Dentures Important in Turkey?

Cosmetic Dentures in Turkey: Definition, Importance, Types, Procedure and Advantages

Cosmetic dentures in Turkey are important given that they’re a substantial advancement in prosthetic dentistry, combining visual appeal and functionality. Turkey's dentistry has gained global acclaim for delivering high-calibre treatments at inexpensive rates. Cosmetic dentures are a remedy for tooth loss, reestablishing their performance and visual appeal.

The importance of cosmetic dentures extends to boosting the self-esteem and living standards. They focus on creating an authentic and appealing look to help individuals regain their self-esteem and comfort in social interactions. The expertise and technology available in Turkey make it an ideal place to visit for patients around the world interested in high-calibre services, including cosmetic dentures.

What Are the Situations in Which Cosmetic Dentures in Turkey Are Preferred?

The situations in which cosmetic dentures in Turkey are preferred are listed below.

  • Significant Tooth Loss: Cosmetic dentures in Turkey serve as an apt remedy for individuals that have lost several or all teeth due to decay, injury, or ageing. They reestablish their teeth’s vitality and lustre, elevating their living standards.
  • Aesthetic Improvement Needs: Individuals needing visual remedy for their broken smiles due to gaps or absent teeth go with cosmetic dentures. They furnish a realistic-looking and eye-pleasing set of teeth, boosting the individual’s  self-assurance and relationships with others.
  • Affordable Dental Solutions: Turkey presents an attractive option for individuals searching for high-calibre dental prosthetics without the high costs. The combination of inexpensiveness and expert care in Turkey results in it being a top choice for local and international patients.

How Is Cosmetic Denture Treatment in Turkey Done?

Cosmetic Dentures in Turkey: Definition, Importance, Types, Procedure and Advantages

Cosmetic denture treatment in Turkey is done using the steps listed below.

  1. Start with an assessment. Have a professional evaluate the oral health, which includes discussion regarding dental history and establishing the goals for the procedure. The evaluation assists in developing a personalised rehabilitation plan and ensuring the cosmetic dentures meet functional and visual needs.
  2. Measure and take impressions. Detailed mouth impressions are taken to create a mould, which serves as the blueprint for the cosmetic dentures. Precise measurements are required to create a snug fit that looks natural.
  3. Craft and adjust the dentures. The impression guides the laboratory’s fabrication of the cosmetic dentures. They are matched to the colour and dimensions of the patient’s existing teeth. Adjustments are made after the initial creation for a perfect fit, guaranteeing both ease of use and functionality.
  4. Conduct the final fitting and provide maintenance advice. The cosmetic dentures are fitted once they’re ready, making any necessary final adjustments. The patient receives instructions on how to care for their new dentures, which include cleaning strategies and dietary suggestions to maintain their new smile.

How Long Does Cosmetic Denture Treatment in Turkey Take?

Cosmetic denture treatment in Turkey takes several days to a two weeks. The duration depends on the complexity of the individual case and the type of dentures required. The main stages, ranging from initial consultations and dental impressions to the creation of the dentures, each require careful attention and time to ensure optimal results.

The process of fitting and adjusting the cosmetic dentures to the patient's satisfaction is a major phase in the timeline. It involves multiple visits to the dentist for adjustments to achieve the perfect fit and comfort. The focus throughout the treatment remains on providing a balance between natural aesthetic and functional reliability, ensuring the patient leaves with a restored and enhanced smile.

What Are the Benefits of Cosmetic Dentures in Turkey?

Cosmetic Dentures in Turkey: Definition, Importance, Types, Procedure and Advantages

The benefits of cosmetic dentures in Turkey are listed below.

  • Improved Visual Appeal: Cosmetic dentures replace absent teeth with attractive, authentic-looking ones that enhance the smile’s appeal. The improvement leads to increased self-assurance and a positive self-image.
  • Enhanced Performance: The dentures restore proper chewing and speaking after suffering from tooth loss. Patients find that their living standards improve with the restoration of such essential functions.
  • Customizable Fit: Each set of cosmetic dentures is tailored to the individual's mouth to make sure the fit is exact and appears authentic. The customisation minimises issues such as unease and communication challenges that accompany traditional variants.

What Are the Downsides of Cosmetic Dentures in Turkey?

The downsides of cosmetic dentures in Turkey are listed below.

  • Upkeep Needs: Cosmetic dentures call for consistent cleaning and upkeep. It’s a tedious task and necessitates meticulous handling to avoid damage.
  • Phase of Adjustment: First-time wearers experience a phase where they need to become familiar with the sensation of having cosmetic dentures. It’s an awkward phase that provides challenges with basic tasks, such as eating and talking.
  • Financial Factor: Cosmetic dentures are more expensive than traditional ones, depending on the materials and customization. The high cost is barrier for some patients to get the care they need.

What Is a Cosmetic Denture?

A cosmetic denture is a bespoke removable prosthesis aimed at replacing absent teeth, with equal focus on function and visual appeal. Cosmetic denture fabrication is personalised, matching them to the wearer’s gums and teeth to ensure a seamless and authentic look. High-quality materials that mimic the qualities of real teeth are used to guarantee an enhancement to the wearer's smile while reestablishing the basic ability to chew and to have clear speech.

The design of cosmetic dentures accounts for the unique facial structure and oral health needs of each wearer. Dentists and dental technicians work hand in hand to ensure that the Dentures have exact fits while complementing the wearer's facial features. The attention to detail in their fabrication guarantees they provide a comfortable replacement for asbent teeth and an improvement to the wearer's appearance.

How to Use Cosmetic Dentures?

To use cosmetic dentures, start with proper insertion techniques. Cosmetic dentures require careful positioning in the mouth to ensure their correct alignment with the remaining teeth and gum line. Practise patience to prevent discomfort or damage to the dentures.

Adapting to cosmetic dentures once they’re in place involves learning how to chew and talk with them. Eat softer foods and introduce more variety, one by one, as comfort with the dentures increases. Talking with the dentures requires practise, as they feel unfamiliar at the beginning, but wearers adjust and regain their normal speech patterns over time.

What Kinds of Anaesthesia Are Applied in a Cosmetic Denture Procedure?

Cosmetic Dentures in Turkey: Definition, Importance, Types, Procedure and Advantages

The kinds of anaesthesia applied in a cosmetic denture procedure are listed below.

  • Local Anaesthesia: Local anaesthesia dulls the sensation around the spot where the fitting of cosmetic dentures takes place. It takes away any pain or discomfort to make it more pleasant for the patient. 
  • Sedation Anaesthesia: Sedation anaesthesia is meant for anxious or stressed patients during dental procedures. It relaxes the patient and ranges from a mild to a deeper state, allowing the procedure to take place without causing undue stress.
  • General Anaesthesia: General anaesthesia is administered in rare cases, such as more complex or extensive dental work related to cosmetic dentures. It induces unconsciousness, allowing the operation to proceed free of any pain or awareness.

What Are the Types of Cosmetic Dentures?

Cosmetic Dentures in Turkey: Definition, Importance, Types, Procedure and Advantages

The types of cosmetic dentures are listed below.

  • Full Dentures: Full dentures substitute for all teeth. They’re perfect for remedying major tooth loss, such as due to ageing or injury.
  • Partial Dentures: Partial dentures are aimed at individuals with few absent teeth. They clasp on to the existing teeth to close the empty space and are removable for cleaning.
  • Implant-Supported Dentures: Implant-supported dentures are fixed to jawbone-embedded implants. They’re more stable and secure than traditional variants, reducing the risk of slippage while talking or eating.
  • Overdentures: Overdentures are fitted on top of teeth and implant roots. They contribute to superior rigidity and preserve the facial structure and jawbone.
  • Flexible Dentures: Flexible dentures are constructed from a thinner and more malleable material, enabling them to conform to the patient’s mouth. They’re ideal for patients who are allergic to standard denture materials. The dentures are easy to wear and aesthetically pleasing.
  • Immediate Dentures: Immediate dentures are inserted right after tooth extraction to eliminate the need to go without teeth throughout the recuperation period. They require tweaks as the gums and jawbone heal and undergo changes.
  • Custom-Made Dentures: Custom-made dentures are tailored to each wearer’s mouth for the best fit and comfort using precise measurements of the patient's jaw and remaining teeth. They provide an optimal aesthetic match and functionality.

Full Dentures

Full dentures are aimed at individuals who have lost all or at least a majority of their teeth. Full dentures use acrylic resin combined with various metals for structural support. They have high success rates in restoring basic oral functions and aesthetics.

Full dentures in Turkey cost between £428 and £858, providing an affordable solution for complete tooth replacement. Patients benefit from improved ability to chew and speak, along with the reestablishment of proper facial structure. They’re the go-to option for comprehensive dental rehabilitation.

Partial Dentures

Partial dentures serve individuals with a few absent teeth. Partial dentures are comprised of a metal-supported plastic foundation to which the substitute teeth are affixed. They are cheaper and less intrusive than other denture types.

The average cost in Turkey for partial dentures is £300. They have high success rates at blending well with real teeth and hindering them from shifting. Partial dentures are a practical and eye-pleasing remedy for partial tooth loss, guaranteeing a dental arch that performs and appears authentic.

Implant-Supported Dentures

Implant-supported dentures act as a remedy for individuals who seek a more robust and trustworthy substitute for traditional dentures. They’re secured to jawbone-placed surgical implants for added rigidity. The rigidity is a major contributor to the dentures’ outstanding success record.

Implant-supported dentures in Turkey cost between £2,573 and £4,289 per jaw. They deliver significant improvements in speaking and chewing abilities. The dentures offer a genuine-feeling and lasting remedy for individuals with adequate mineral density in the jaw.


Overdentures are suited for individuals with a small number of remaining teeth or implants. They’re affixed on top of leftover teeth or implants, giving them a stronger hold than traditional sets. The jawbone is left intact, enabling enhanced chewing performance.

Overdentures’ average cost is £4,289 in Turkey. Overdentures offer a compromise between price and performance. They’re successful in delivering improved ease and a more secure dental remedy.

Flexible Dentures

Flexible dentures work well for individuals seeking ergonomics along with visual appeal. They are comprised of a flexible thermoplastic to allow conformity to the mouth for a more natural fit. Flexible dentures are great for patients with acrylic or metal allergies.

The cost of flexible dentures in Turkey is £428. Their insubstantial weight paired with eye-pleasing qualities result in them being a favourable denture type for comfort. They’re easy to adapt to and authentic-looking. They find high success rates for partial tooth replacement.

Immediate Dentures

Immediate dentures aim at individuals who want an available replacement right after their tooth extraction. They undergo preparation prior to extraction and are then installed once done. They help patients avoid not having teeth.

Immediate dentures cost around £300 per unit in Turkey. Additional adjustments are required as the gums heal and reshape following extraction. They have a high success rate as an interim remedy during the recuperation period and are essential for maintaining visual appeal and performance right after extraction.

Custom-Made Dentures

Custom-made dentures cater to individuals in search of personalised dental solutions. They’re designed to conform to the distinctive curves of a patient’s mouth for maximum ease and visual appeal. Their fabrication involves advanced materials that mimic authentic gums and teeth

Custom-made dentures cost between £428 and £858 in Turkey. They possess better ergonomics and visual appeal than traditional ones. Custom-made dentures have high success rates for individuals in search of a higher-calibre and tailor-made dental remedy that addresses their specific oral health needs.

What Are the Cosmetic Denture Materials?

Cosmetic Dentures in Turkey: Definition, Importance, Types, Procedure and Advantages

The cosmetic denture materials are listed below.

  • Acrylic Resin: Acrylic resin is aimed at the cosmetic dentures’ base due to its versatility and compatibility with the oral tissues. It offers a balance of durability and comfort, making it a common pick for full and partial types.
  • Porcelain: Porcelain creates lifelike cosmetic dentures and is known for its exceptional strength and authentic look. It mimics the gloss and toughness of real teeth but is more brittle and prone to chipping compared to other materials.
  • Metal Alloys: Metal alloys, comprising chromium and cobalt, are strong and resistant to corrosion. They form the foundation for partial cosmetic dentures, supplying a robust and long-lasting support for attaching synthetic teeth.
  • Nylon Polymer: Nylon polymer finds common use in flexible cosmetic dentures due to its insubstantial weight and flexibility. It provides a comfortable fit and is ideal for patients who are allergic to acrylic or certain metals.
  • Composite Resins: Composite resins offer a good balance between aesthetics and durability. They have less risk of wearing down real teeth in the opposite jaw compared to harder materials, such as porcelain.

Who Are Cosmetic Dentures Suitable For?

Cosmetic dentures are suitable for individuals with an absent tooth or teeth. Cosmetic dentures are best for individuals experiencing issues with basic tasks such as talking and chewing. Tooth loss results from ageing or dental diseases, among others.

Cosmetic dentures are ideal for individuals seeking to improve their smile and facial appearance. They offer a practical solution for individuals who are self-conscious due to absent teeth. The adaptation phase varies per individual, with some experiencing immediate familiarity while others needing more time to get accustomed to their new prosthetics.

How to Care for Cosmetic Dentures?

To care for cosmetic dentures, prioritise their upkeep through routine oral care practises. It prevents the build-up of food debris and tartar that causes bad breath and gum problems. Gentle brushing of the cosmetic dentures employing a soft-bristled brush and mild cleaner keeps them in excellent shape.

Treat cosmetic dentures with proper attention to steer clear of unforeseen harm. Soak in a denture-cleaning solution overnight to achieve Clean Dentures. Give them a rinse prior to inserting back in the mouth to ensure all cleaning solution residues are washed off.

How Much Does a Cosmetic Denture Cost?

A cosmetic denture costs $300 (£238) to $8,000 (£6,365) in the US and £300 for partial dentures to £5,000 for more complex or high-end options in the UK. The denture type and its calibre, along with the material quality and the clinic’s location, are major determinants of the cost. The countries exhibit higher prices compared to Turkey, highlighting the accessible offerings Turkey has on offer.

How Much Does a Cosmetic Denture Cost in Turkey?

A cosmetic denture in Turkey costs between £400 and £2,500. Considerations ranging from the cosmetic denture type and the materials used to the specific patient requirements impact the price range. Turkish dental clinics offer several options, such as temporary acrylic dentures, each with a different price tag. Turkey emerges as a more affordable option when considering Dentures in Turkey and Dentures in the USA. The cost-effectiveness of dentures in Turkey is attributed to lower living and educational expenses and cheaper labour.

How Much Does a Cosmetic Denture Cost in Antalya?

A cosmetic denture in Antalya costs around £400, reflecting the price tag of several denture types offered in the region. The denture material and the procedure’s degree of difficulty are some determinants of the cost. Antalya Antalya is a distinguished provider of cost-effective dental services, which attract many international visitors looking for inexpensive options. The region's competitive pricing, combined with the high-calibre dental services on offer, makes it an attractive stop for dentistry.

What Should Be Considered When Using Cosmetic Dentures?

The things to consider when using cosmetic dentures are listed below.

  • Oral Health Assessment: Dentists evaluate oral conditions before recommending cosmetic dentures. The condition of the gums, remaining teeth, and jawbone are major determinants of suitability.
  • Personal Choices and Behaviours: Personal choices and behaviours, such as tobacco use or the intake of foods and beverages that cause stains, are major considerations. They impact the durability and aesthetic aspects of cosmetic dentures.
  • Cost and Upkeep: The cost of cosmetic dentures varies per type and material. Patients need to consider the long-term upkeep costs, including adjustments and repairs.

Cosmetic Dentures Frequently Asked Questions

There are many treatment methods in dentistry. Cosmetic Dentures procedure is the most common procedure. Especially Turkey Cosmetic Dentures is ahead of Europe in this regard. These procedures in dental clinics equipped with the latest technology are also common in Antalya. We have compiled the frequently asked questions from you and share them with their answers below:

Understanding the Cosmetic denture procedure depends on the type and material of the prosthesis. Partial dentures can be understood to be made due to metal hooks attached to the patient's natural teeth. However, with the various materials used today, dentures can have a very natural appearance and cannot be distinguished from real teeth. Zirconium veneers, for example, appear to be more natural thanks to their light permeability property. Patients can have both aesthetic and natural-looking teeth.

In Cosmetic denture, as with any dental procedure, various complications may occur. After the procedure, you should follow the process and apply to the dentist before you reach the uncomfortable dimensions. The risk of complications can be reduced by following the advice of the dentist and by regular use of prescribed medications. Infection, pain, fever, bleeding and swelling are the most common complications in this type of procedure. After Cosmetic denture, you need to provide intra-oral hygiene. If you don't pay attention to this, the risk of infection may arise. In cases of bleeding after the procedure, the tampon should be sterile. After the procedure, the teeth should be brushed regularly with a soft brush that the doctor will recommend. To minimize the risk of infection, warm salt water or antiseptic mouthwashes should be used, depending on the advice of your doctor.

Grain foods should not be consumed on the first days as they can go to the procedure site and negatively affect recovery. You may feel some pain after the cosmetic denture procedure. In this regard, the patient is informed in advance. Even if there is no pain after the procedure, a painkiller with an anti-inflammatory effect can be used. The patient should not try to examine the location of the surgery by pulling the lip-cheek areas. This damages the procedure area and can cause pain. Eating excessively hot, acidic foods and drinks can also cause pain, as this will irritate the wound.

Mild fever may be encountered after the procedure and this situation will be corrected within 24 hours. The patient should follow the process carefully. Body temperature should be measured and controlled at regular intervals. If the fever is still present or rising at the end of 24 hours, a doctor should be consulted and the cause of the fever should be investigated. If the fever is still present at the end of 72 hours, it could be a sign of infection.
Bleeding may occur after the procedure. Patients taking blood thinners should pay particular attention. Depending on the doctor's advice, they may take a break from taking the decongestant. If you have had a tooth extraction, the tampon given by the doctor should be bitten for about 30 minutes. It is not recommended that spitting, sucking or shaking the wound site will prevent the formation of clots that will contribute to the healing process and cause late healing. Bleeding may continue in the form of leakage for 24 hours during tooth extraction or suture availability. However, if there is a mouthful or gushing-like bleeding, you should consult your dentist immediately.
Some swelling may occur after the procedure. The amount of swelling may vary depending on the type of surgery. After the operation, the swelling reaches its highest level in 48-72 hours. After the third day, it begins to descend slowly and disappears completely at the end of a week. Since edema that occurs after the third day may be a sign of infection, regular follow-up should be done and a doctor should be consulted. Cold application can be done for the first 24 hours in order not to have too much swelling; it will not have an effect after 24 hours. Ice compresses should be applied periodically by placing cloth between the skins so as not to cause tissue damage.

When deciding on the type of Cosmetic denture, a large number of elements are evaluated. The patient's complaints and expectations are important in making this decision. When choosing the type of prosthesis, the intra-oral condition of the patient is taken into consideration. In case of single tooth loss, multiple tooth loss and loss of all teeth, different types of dentures are applied. The bone structure of the patient's mouth, which is more prone to treatment, the condition and position of the teeth present in the mouth are also determining. Prostheses are made of various materials and their costs vary accordingly.

The patient's financial status should also be taken into consideration when making this decision. The patient's aesthetic concerns also play a decisive role here. Some dentures provide a more natural and aesthetic appearance due to their properties such as light permeability, so they may be the reason for preference. The durability, longevity and comfort of the dentures in the mouth are also important in making this decision.

After the effect of anesthesia after the procedure, you can start eating and drinking, but not everything can be consumed as before the procedure. First, avoid foods and beverages that may damage the processing zone. Grain foods such as rice, hard and solid foods that may be difficult to chew, acidic, spicy, extremely hot, extremely cold foods and drinks that may irritate the processing area should not be consumed. Since it takes time for the prosthesis to fit with the tissues in the mouth, it is difficult for the patient to be able to eat everything at once with their natural teeth.

Especially in moving dentures, the patient may have difficulty getting used to the chewing function with the prosthesis and may feel like the prosthesis will come out of his mouth. However, as the prosthesis is used, the variety and hardness of the foods consumed can be increased over time and the consumption habits can be restored to normal.

In order to maintain oral health, dental prostheses must be cleaned regularly. The fact that prosthetics can come out of the mouth is actually a great advantage in terms of being able to do complete cleaning. Clean tablet is thrown into clean water and mixed to distribute the tablet homogenously. The prosthesis is placed in water to completely dissolve foreign substances in solution. It is then brushed to remove any bacteria that may have been left at the corners and bottoms. The previous solution should also be used during brushing. After all this process is finished, the prosthesis is left in a separate glass with clean and high quality water and rinsing process is also performed.
Some people may be allergic to metal. In such a case, prosthetics with metal content may cause allergies. In order to avoid a problem caused by allergies, the possibility of allergies is also evaluated before the operation. If the person is allergic to metal or other material, prosthetic production is carried out with a substance that is not allergic.
Although there are some problems in speech due to the feeling of unfamiliarity after Cosmetic Denture, after a few hours of adjustment, the patient can speak as he or she wishes. After one month of complete adjustment period, the smallest decrease in speech function is not observed.
While measuring the teeth in the Cosmetic Denture procedure, the patient's jaw structure, existing teeth and palate shape are calculated. During the measurement process, specially developed tools are used. It is necessary to measure internal structure, points of contact, angle specifically. In addition, the patient's palate is removed using special substances and prostheses are produced accordingly.
Do not smoke on the day of Cosmetic Denture. Smoking can reduce the oxygen level in the blood, leading to late healing of wounds and infection. It also causes breathing difficulties with the increase in the amount of sputum. The patient who smokes is also at higher risk of having a respiratory spasm during waking after anesthesia. Smoking can lead to serious problems such as hardening and narrowing of the arteries, clots and bleeding of the brain. We recommend that you do not smoke on the day and prior to the procedure, as there are such risks.