Inlays and Onlays in Turkey: Definition, Importance, Procedure and Advantages

When your teeth are broken, chipped or a cavity is present, Inlays and Onlays are used in order to restore them.

Myra Dental Centre Turkey / Inlays and Onlays

Inlays and onlays in Turkey refer to dentistry restorations utilised to fix damaged teeth. The dental inlays and onlays in Turkey are essential to restore teeth with mild damage in a more conservative way than dental crowns. The restorations are made of durable materials, such as composite resin, porcelain, or gold. Inlays are produced to fit into the surface grooves of teeth, particularly in cases when the tooth's centre is the decayed area. Onlays are utilised in cases where the damage reaches one or more of the tooth's points or cusps. They are effective yet conservative.

Inlays and Onlays in Turkey Definition Importance Procedure and Advantages

The tooth's decaying or damaged areas must be removed by the dentist before receiving inlays or onlays in Turkey. The tooth is prepared and an impression is taken to make a custom-fit restoration. A dental laboratory creates the teeth inlays or onlays that are cemented to the tooth with dental cement when ready by using the imprint as a guide. The inlay and onlay treatments are recommended by Turkish dentists when tooth damage is too great for a filling but not severe enough to require a crown. The process provides the required strengthening while preserving a greater amount of the tooth's natural structure.

The capacity to restore the tooth's functioning, toughness, and natural look are benefits of inlays and onlays. The procedure helps to maintain a bigger portion of the natural tooth than crowns do. One potential limitation is the requirement of at least two visits, one for installation and preparation, another for impression taking, and fitting and adjustments.

How to Explain the Concept of Inlays and Onlays in Turkey?

Inlays and Onlays in Turkey Definition Importance Procedure and Advantages

To explain the concept of inlays and onlays in Turkey, breaking down the dental restorations in a way that patients seeking dental care understand. Specialised dental procedures called inlays and onlays are used to repair teeth with moderate deterioration or damage. The restorations are frequently made from sturdy materials, such as porcelain or composite resin in Turkey, where access to cutting-edge dental care is common. The idea is to properly treat the damage while retaining most of the native tooth structure.

Smoothly fitting into the grooves, inlays are used when the majority of the decay or damage is located in the central region of the tooth. Onlays are advised when the damage reaches the tooth's tips or cusps. The restorations are advised by Turkish dentists as a cautious intermediate step between minor fillings and more involved dental crowns. The restoration is made to order, glued to the tooth, and the damaged areas are removed. Impressions are taken throughout the way. The method of conceptual explanation makes it easy for people to understand the relevance and goal of inlays and onlays in Turkey, where they provide a conservative, successful restoration for teeth with mild damage.

How do Inlays and Onlays in Turkey work?

Inlays and onlays in Turkey work by repairing teeth that have moderate decay or damage. The procedure is complex and multi-step. The dentist examines the damaged tooth to determine the extent of the damage before starting the treatment. The dentist removes the decayed or damaged tooth while keeping as much of the healthy dental structure in its place if inlays or onlays are determined to be appropriate. CEREC Omnicam is used to scan the arch and get the imprints to fabricate a unique restoration, which takes less than 5 minutes. The virtual design imprints mill out the restoration using the 3-axis milling machine, including composite resin or porcelain to build the inlay or onlay.

Dental cement is used to firmly attach the restoration to the tooth after the doctor verifies a precise fit. The end product is a beautifully integrated restoration that improves the tooth's cosmetic appeal in addition to restoring its functionality. Inlays and onlays in Turkey are cautious procedures that preserve the original tooth structure while giving patients a long-lasting, aesthetically acceptable fix for moderately damaged teeth.

Why are Inlays and Onlays Important in Turkey?

Inlays and Onlays are important in Turkey because they provide a conservative solution for moderate tooth decay or damage. The restorations provide a middle ground between a basic dental filling and a more involved dental crown, which is essential for maintaining more natural tooth tissue. The fact that inlays and onlays offer long-lasting and aesthetically beautiful solutions emphasises their relevance in Turkey.

People efficiently restore functionality while preserving the integrity of their teeth by choosing Inlays and Onlays. It is important in the context of Turkey's modern dental care, where people want treatments that not just address oral health concerns but prioritise natural dentition preservation. Inlays and onlays are a crucial part of restorative dentistry in Turkey because of their conservative nature, which is in line with contemporary dental philosophies. It makes patients feel more satisfied with their overall dental health and oral health.

What are the situations in which Inlays and Onlays in Turkey are preferred?

The situations in which Inlays and Onlays in Turkey are preferred are listed below.

  • Cosmetic Issues: Inlays and Onlays composed of materials that match the colour of the tooth, such as porcelain, are preferred when the damaged or decayed tooth is visible, and aesthetic considerations are crucial. The materials give off a natural look, which improves the final aesthetic product.
  • Restoring Functionality: The purpose of inlays and onlays is to rebuild the tooth's strength and functionality. They endure biting forces and offer long-term solutions for people who have mildly damaged teeth.
  • Dental Crown Alternatives: Inlays and Onlays provide a good substitute in cases where a dental crown is deemed too much. They restore teeth effectively and remove less good tooth material in the process.
  • Several Broken Teeth: Inlays and onlays are a sensible option to treat each tooth separately and preserve the most natural dentition in situations where several teeth have moderate damage or decay.
  • Mild Dental Damage: Inlays and Onlays are particularly useful when a tooth has significant damage or decay that exceeds what a simple dental filling properly addresses but does not necessitate the comprehensive coverage of a dental crown.
  • Maintaining the Structure of Teeth: Inlays and onlays are the preferred options among Turkish dentists when preserving the maximum amount of natural tooth structure. Less healthy tooth material must be removed, allowing for a conservative approach, because of the restorations.

How are Inlays and Onlays in Turkey Treatment Done?

Inlays and Onlays in Turkey Definition Importance Procedure and Advantages

Inlays and Onlays treatments in Turkey are done by following the steps below.

  1. Examine and assess. The dentist starts by doing a comprehensive examination of the damaged tooth to determine the degree of decay or fracture. X-rays are taken to obtain a detailed look at the tooth's structure.
  2. Prepare the tooth or teeth. The dentist prepares the tooth by extracting any decaying or damaged areas after deciding whether inlays or onlays are the best choice. The method preserves more of the tooth's healthy structure because it is less invasive than placing dental crowns.
  3. Take a digital scan. The prepared tooth is scanned using CEREC. It is an important step because it is simple and fast to scan the surroundings of the arch.
  4. Connect to CEREC milling unit and manufacture onlay. A 3-axis milling machine mills out the restoration using the digital design. The treatment guarantees a strong repair that is the same colour as the natural tooth.
  5. Fit and create a bond. The patient returns to the dentist for the inlay or onlay fitting once it is ready. The dentist checks for a perfect fit and makes any needed corrections. Dental cement is used to permanently bind the completed restoration to the tooth.
  6. Polish it. The dentist polishes the inlay or onlay after bonding to create a smooth surface, which improves results that resemble the natural tooth.

How Long Does Inlays and Onlays in Turkey Treatment Take?

Inlays and Onlays treatments in Turkey take up to one day or more depending on the situation of the teeth, it needs one visit. The complexity of the case and whether the restoration is made in a modeling unit as CAD-CAM or on-site affect how long inlays and onlays take to complete in Turkey. The exact schedule depends on several variables, including the materials chosen, the intricacy of the restoration, and the turnaround time of the digital chairside. Patients talk with their dentist about how long their particular inlays and onlays treatment is expected to take, which guarantees a thorough grasp of the procedure catered to their needs.

What are the Benefits of Inlays and Onlays in Turkey?

Inlays and Onlays in Turkey Definition Importance Procedure and Advantages

The benefits of Inlays and Onlays in Turkey are listed below.

  • Visual Appeal: Inlays and onlays made of porcelain are often matched in colour to the natural teeth, producing a beautiful finish that improves the smile's whole appearance.
  • Strong Enough: Strong and long-lasting inlays and onlays are a reliable way to restore the tooth's functionality. They are composed of strong materials.
  • Maintaining Tooth Strength: Inlays and onlays strengthen the tooth, lowering the chance of fracture and preserving the treated tooth's entire structure.
  • Reduced Sensitivity: Inlays and onlays offer a comfortable and useful restoration while helping to lessen tooth sensitivity, particularly when compared to amalgam fillings.
  • Conventional Method: Inlays and onlays are a conservative choice for repairing teeth with mild damage or decay because they preserve more of the natural tooth structure than dental crowns.
  • Tailored Fit: The restorations are made to order, guaranteeing a precise fit that blends in perfectly with the original dentition, based on impressions of the prepared tooth.

What are the Downsides of Inlays and Onlays in Turkey?

The downsides of Inlays and Onlays in Turkey are listed below.

  • Time Spent in the Laboratory: A waiting period occurs during the creation of inlays and onlays in a dental laboratory, in which a temporary restoration is required.
  • Potential for Fracture: There is a chance of fracture in some circumstances, especially if the tooth is severely weakened. The condition of the tooth is carefully evaluated by dentists to determine which restoration is best.
  • Sensitivity: Some people suffer short-term sensitivity after having inlays and onlays placed, but it is often minor and temporary.
  • Price: The cost is higher compared to standard fillings. Inlays and onlays are customised restorations with premium materials.
  • Several Appointments: At least one dentist appointment is needed for the procedure, which is a disadvantage for anyone looking for a faster restoration option.

What are Inlays and Onlays Materials?

Inlays and Onlays in Turkey Definition Importance Procedure and Advantages

The Inlays and Onlays materials are listed below.

  • Gold: Gold is durable and it is widely utilised for dental restorations. It is a great option for posterior teeth where aesthetics are not, though it does not match the colour of the tooth naturally.
  • Ceramic: Ceramic materials are appropriate for inlays and onlays because they combine beauty and strength. Ceramics offer long-lasting materials due to being wear-resistant.
  • Composite Resin: A material called composite resin has a colour similar to natural teeth and gets carefully blended with them. It is a strong and aesthetically pleasing alternative that adheres nicely to the tooth structure.
  • Zirconia: Zirconia has great strength and biocompatibility. It is frequently used for posterior teeth when extra strength is needed and is known for its durability.
  • Porcelain: The natural look and capacity of porcelain to replicate the translucency of natural teeth make it desirable for inlays and onlays. It matches the individual’s teeth in colour, yielding an appealing look.

How are Inlays and Onlays Performed?

Inlays and onlays are performed in several steps. The initial step is to perform an extensive examination of the tooth that is impacted. The dentist evaluates whether inlays or onlays are appropriate based on the degree of damage or decay. The dentist starts by preparing the tooth and removing any decaying or damaged areas while trying to keep any healthy tooth structures as necessary. A mould or impression of the tooth is made after it is prepared. An inlay or onlay that perfectly fits the tooth's contours is made using the imprint as the foundation.

A temporary filler is used to seal the tooth. The temporary filling is removed during the second appointment. Measurements made using dough-like materials are easily taken using traditional methods and digital scanning tools (CEREC Omnicam and Trishape 5). The imprint is done digitally, where it is used to create a personalised inlay or onlay by experts. The material of choice, such as composite resin or porcelain, is meticulously moulded and tinted to resemble the natural tooth. The next step guarantees a restoration that fits perfectly and possesses strength and beauty.

The patient returns for the fitting of the permanent inlay or onlay when it is ready. The dentist makes any required changes to guarantee a flawless fit. Dental cement is used to permanently bind the completed restoration to the tooth. An enduring and solid attachment is formed between the natural tooth and the inlay or onlay during the bonding process. Multiple sessions are sometimes required for treatment because inlays and onlays are manufactured in a laboratory.

Who is Inlays and Onlays Suitable for?

Inlays and Onlays are suitable for people who have teeth with mild damage or decay, simply because they provide a gentle yet successful restorative approach.  Several factors, such as the patient's preferences, the location of the damaged tooth, and the degree of tooth damage, are considered when determining a candidate for inlays or onlays. Individuals who want to keep as much of their natural tooth structure in its original state benefit most from such restorations. Inlays and onlays are advised when the damage is more substantial than a simple dental filling cover but does not need the extensive coverage of a dental crown. Adults and older teenagers benefit from inlays and onlays, considering the effectiveness is not age-specific. The final say on whether or not inlays and onlays are appropriate is reached after a consultation with a licensed dentist who evaluates the patient's dental health, the state of the damaged tooth, and the intended course of treatment.

How to Care of Inlays and Onlays?

Inlays and Onlays in Turkey Definition Importance Procedure and Advantages

To care for inlays and onlays, there are procedures to consider. Inlays and onlays require appropriate oral hygiene practices and regular dental check-ups to ensure the longevity and health of the restorations. It needs proper maintenance to avoid problems, such as gum disease, tooth decay, and repair damage. Patients with onlays and inlays must adhere to a strict oral hygiene regimen that includes flossing each day and brushing their teeth with a fluoride toothpaste at least twice a day. There is less chance of deterioration and plaque accumulation. Use a toothbrush with soft bristles to prevent undue wear on the restoration.

Effective cleaning without causing harm is ensured by gently brushing the gum line and every part of the teeth's surfaces. Avoid using the teeth as instruments or biting down on harsh items. The precautionary measure aids in avoiding potential fractures or harm to the onlays and inlays. Observe the dentist's recommendations for routine dental examinations and cleanings. The checkups allow the early detection of any problems and a professional cleaning to preserve the best dental health. Reduce the intake of foods and beverages that are known to stain teeth, such as coffee, tea, and red wine.

The dentist recommends wearing a nightguard to prevent excessive impact on restorations and natural teeth while sleeping unless a person grinds or clenches the teeth (bruxism). Seek immediate dental assistance if any problems or discomfort occur, including bite changes, sensitivity, or damage to the restoration. Prompt action prevents more serious issues and guarantees that the Inlays and Onlays remain effective. Individuals who have Inlays and Onlays enhance the longevity and functionality of their restorations by adopting the techniques into their oral care regimen. It promotes general oral health and reduces the risk of complications.

How much do Inlays and Onlays Cost?

Inlays and onlays cost around £500 ($650) to £1000 ($1250) in other countries. It is more expensive compared to the price in Turkey. The cost of Inlays and Onlays varies based on several factors, including the materials used, the number of teeth involved, the intricacy of the treatment, and the dental practice's specific geographic location. The selection of material has a major impact on the final cost, porcelain is typically more expensive than composite resin. The number of teeth that need to be restored matters because more teeth result in a higher total expense. Pricing is affected too by the complexity of the process, which includes whether or not inlays or onlays are used and the degree of damage that needs to be repaired. One consideration is the dental office's location, as prices differ between states and nations. The dentist's experience and the technologies used during the treatment tend to increase the total cost. Patients who are interested in an in-depth understanding of the variables impacting the overall cost of Inlays and Onlays surgery arrange a consultation with their dentist. It helps to acquire an estimated cost that is customised to their unique needs.

How much do Inlays and Onlays Cost in Turkey?

Inlays and onlays cost in Turkey is approximately £215 to £300. They vary in price depending on some variables, and patients need to consider certain criteria that affect the final cost. The cost of Inlays and Onlays surgery generally requires the dentist's experience, the dental materials chosen, and any extra work that needs to be done. The choice of material for the restorations, such as gold, porcelain, composite resin, ceramic, or Zirconia, has a big impact on the total price because different materials require varied production expenses. The complexity of the restoration and the number of teeth undergoing the process affects how much it costs.

The particular dental clinic or facility and the degree of technology and experience that is offered have an impact on the final cost too. A thorough and customised cost estimation that considers each patient's unique oral health requirements and treatment choices must be obtained by arranging a consultation with a Turkish dentist. Turkey is a known travel destination for people looking for high-quality, reasonably priced dental procedures, such as onlays and inlays, because of its reputation for providing excellent dental care at low costs.

How much do Inlays and Onlays Cost in Antalya?

Inlays and onlays cost in Antalya ranges from £215 (Zirconium) and £300 (Ceramic), particularly at Myra Dental Centre. The price typically covers the costs of the dental materials used, the dentist's experience, and any additional procedures or necessary pre-operative care. The material option for the inlays and onlays affects the total cost because the materials have varying price ranges.

The total expense is influenced by the quantity of teeth that need to be restored and the difficulty of the process. Patients in Antalya who are interested in considering their particular dental needs and preferences speak with their dentist. Antalya is a popular travel destination for people seeking high-quality, reasonably priced dental procedures, such as inlays and onlays, because of its reputation for offering top-notch dental care at low costs.

What are the Differences Between Inlay and Onlay?

The differences between inlay and onlay are how it overlays and the position of the teeth. Indirect dental restorations, such as onlays and inlays, are built to fit and repair teeth that have deteriorated or been damaged. An inlay is placed within the central chewing surface (cusps) of a tooth and is made to fit within its contours. It is the best option for repairing slightly damaged areas. Dental inlays are often constructed of ceramic, porcelain, or a resin composite material. They are made to precisely fit into a tooth's hole that was left by decay or trauma. Inlays are durable and are a better restorative alternative than fillings. Inlays are discreetly used to heal more severe dental problems and are manufactured to closely resemble the colour of the teeth.

Onlays are frequently used to repair teeth where cusps have rotted or been broken. They are often used when a filling does not give enough structural support to keep a tooth from fracturing. Onlay treatments were constructed entirely of metal, but are now built of porcelain or resin composite materials. An onlay goes over the cusps to cover one or more of the points or cusps of the tooth. Onlays are bigger than inlays, some of the largest onlays cover four of the tooth's cusps but leave the sides exposed, resembling short dental crowns. It is appropriate for larger damage areas that encompass the cusps and offer more thorough coverage.

Onlays provide a more complete restoration for teeth with moderate damage, while inlays are essentially enclosed within the cusps. The patient's precise restoration needs and the size and location of the damaged region determine whether the option is best. The two techniques have the advantage of keeping natural tooth structure when compared with standard crowns, making them a conservative yet effective approach to tooth restoration.

Why is Inlay Onlay Privileged?

Inlay onlay privileged the realm of restorative dentistry due to its meticulous approach to dental repair is one of its main advantages. Inlays and onlays efficiently treat mild damage or decay while preserving a substantial portion of the native tooth structure. The protective component of the tooth helps preserve its strength and integrity while contributing to its wellness. The customisation of inlays and onlays made of materials, such as porcelain or composite resin allows for alignment with the natural dentition, providing endurance and aesthetic appeal.

Inlays and onlays are long-lasting, aesthetically pleasing, and preserve the portion of tooth tissue that remains intact. The treatments are free from allergic reactions, involve little bacterial plaque, save time, and have very delicate dental and restoration alignment. Inlay onlay fillings are quite advantageous due to an array of advantages. The tooth is prepared and delivered to the laboratory where exact measurements are taken over the teeth and temporary fillings are placed to keep the teeth empty until the next appointment and prevent sensitivity.

The treatment’s adaptability allows them to be used in a wide range of dental positions, providing a customised answer for each person's need. A strong and aesthetically beautiful repair is ensured by the materials used in inlays and onlays treatment, which add to their longevity and stain resistance. The preference for inlays and onlays is observed by the way they lessen future difficulties and sensitivity. Inlays and onlays often receive priority because they provide the best achievable restorative results while putting the patient's natural tooth structure first.

Inlay and Onlay Frequently Asked Questions

Usually, we prepare a frequently asked questions section for all the treatments we offer. Thus, we share the questions from you with our guests and enable them to benefit from these answers. In Inlays and Onlays frequently asked questions you can find answers to all your questions.

Porcelain or composite inlay onlay is fillings with superior aesthetic properties and durability prepared in the laboratory. In teeth requiring dense filling, porcelain inlay onlay is applied instead of composite or amalgam filling because it is both aesthetic and durable. Inlay onlay fillings are preferred as they require less substance loss in teeth than porcelain crowns during construction. Only the caries are cleaned and the size of the tooth is taken. Porcelain inlay fillings prepared in the laboratory are then adhered to the teeth with adhesive systems. Canal treatment is applied to the teeth, especially those with severe substance loss, and if necessary, simple surgical corrections on the gums and onlay treatment are applied. Thus, the risk of breakage of the tooth or filling is reduced. In recent years, with the great improvement in the durability and polishability of composite fillings, they are prepared as durable and aesthetic composite inlay onlay fillers as much as porcelain fillings. Inlays and Onlays treatment in Turkey is very safe.
Inlay and onlay filling treatment is very different from other filling techniques. Such fillings are prepared outside the mouth. Inlay filling is preferred in small parts, while Onlay filling is preferred in larger areas covering most areas of the tooth. The caries on the tooth is cleaned before the procedure by your dentist, and it is prepared to fill and measure. According to the collected data, composite or ceramic tooth filling is prepared and the process is completed by sticking to the tooth and the treatment ends. Inlay Onlay technique offers many advantages. Since it takes place outside the mouth, it does not cause negative problems in old filling techniques. It is compatible with the tooth, comfortable and comfortable. Inlay and Onlay fillings add a very aesthetic appearance to the tooth. It feels like a natural tooth appearance. It is an important advantage to be done in a short time.
In fact, not only inlay and onlay, you have other dental treatments in Turkey offers many advantages for you. All treatment packages offered at Myra Dental Clinic can be customized. Inlay and Onlay treatment in Turkey is much better suited to other countries. With both the price and the methods used in the treatment, your treatment is 100% successful. In addition to the treatment of Inlays Onlays, you can also have other dental problems treated. You can choose one of the all-inclusive packages offered by our clinic. You can have all of your treatments with these service packages, which include flight tickets, hotel accommodation, catering, guidance services and all treatment costs. If you would like us to call you and provide information, please share your contact information with us.