Dental Treatment Guarantee in Turkey

As Myra Dental Center Turkey, we attach importance to dental treatment guarantee for patient satisfaction.

Myra Dental Centre Turkeyl / Dental Treatment Guarantee

The “dental treatment guarantee” in Turkey is an assurance given to patients by dental practitioners or clinics about the longevity and quality of the dental procedures they get. A “dental treatment guarantee” is important because it helps patients feel confident and trusted. It demonstrates the dental professional's trust in the efficiency and durability of the procedures. Patients are more at ease knowing that the clinic is dedicated to the success of the procedures and takes care of any unanticipated problems that come up when they are informed of protection. For example, Myra Dental Centre covers every expense related to the necessary maintenance or replacement of the dental prosthesis, including up to 200 euros for travel expenses and three days of lodging at an affiliated hotel during the treatment.

An assurance that the clinic stands behind the work done and ensures that if any problems occur within a certain time after the treatment is finished, the clinic takes care of them and fixes them for the patient at minimal or no additional cost. The clinic's commitment to upholding strict quality control and client satisfaction standards is further demonstrated by the guarantee. It strengthens the professional bond between the patient and the dental expert as it promotes accountability. Providing a “dental treatment guarantee” improves the patient experience, enhancing the clinic's reputation and encouraging a sense of dependability and openness in the delivery of dental care.

What Types of Dental Treatments Does the Dental Treatment Guarantee Cover?

Dental Treatment Guarantee in Turkey

The types of dental treatments the “dental treatment guarantee” covers are listed below.

  • Cosmetic Dentistry: Cosmetic dentistry procedures, such as veneers and teeth whitening, include warranties to ensure the durability and aesthetic appeal of the outcome.
  • Crowns and Bridges: Dental implant operations are commonly covered by dental treatment guarantees, which ensure the functional and stable anchoring of the implanted prosthesis. Coverage for any problems with the implant’s stability is part of it.
  • Dental Implants: Dental crowns and bridges are often covered by guarantees, which attest to their appropriate fit, durability, and appealing look. Adjustments or replacements if there are dental treatment issues, including chipping, cracking, or misalignment, are often covered.

What kind of problems does dental treatment guarantee cover and what is its scope?

The kind of problems dental treatment guarantees cover and what its scope is listed below.

  • Workmanship Concerns: Issues about the dental procedure's workmanship, including incorrect bonding or placement, are covered by the warranty. Clinics provide free repairs or adjustments for such forms of problems.
  • Complications After Treatment:  Guarantee coverage includes issues, such as infections or treatment-related issues that result immediately from the dental operation. Provided that patients follow suggested post-operative care recommendations, some guarantees cover issues that arise during the post-treatment phase.
  • Issues with Dental Implants: Guarantees covering problems, including implant failure, incorrect osseointegration, or other placement-related concerns are frequently associated with dental implant operations.
  • Material Issues: A guarantee against material defects means that the dentist's office takes care of any difficulties relating to the longevity or quality of the dental materials used for crowns, veneers, or fillings.
  • Functionality and Fit: The fit and operation of dental prostheses or restorations are frequently covered by guarantees. Any necessary revisions or replacements for a crown, bridge, or other dental procedure that fits poorly or performs poorly are covered.

Is the Dental Treatment Guarantee Valid After Returning Abroad from Turkey?

Yes, the “dental treatment guarantee” is valid after returning abroad from Turkey as long as it is within the period the patient agreed with. The particular terms and conditions given by the dental facility or practitioner determine the validity of a dental treatment guarantee once a patient returns from Turkey abroad. Guarantees for dental care frequently have worldwide validity, which means they stay in effect whether the patient travels overseas or returns to their country. Certain elements impact the guarantee's legality in a global setting.

The dental clinic provides a contract, which patients must carefully review to understand any criteria or limitations related to foreign coverage. Knowing how long the guarantee lasts and what particular steps to take in case of a problem after returning from overseas is very important. Patients are sometimes asked to contact certain clinics virtually to analyse the condition and decide on the best course of action. Patients are asked to send photos or documentation. Communication channels, such as email or virtual consultations, are established to facilitate the resolution of potential concerns covered by the guarantee. Patients need to check about the clinic's policies for getting reimbursed for their costs and receiving corrective care if necessary.

How Long Is the Dental Treatment Guarantee Valid in Turkey?

Dental Treatment Guarantee in Turkey

The “dental treatment guarantee” is valid in Turkey depending on dental facilities and practitioners, and it is a crucial issue for patients to consider. Dental treatment guarantees have a predetermined validity time that normally spans from a few months to several years, based on the type of treatment offered. Dental treatment guarantees are commonly valid for one to five years. The validity period frequently starts from the completion of the dental surgery or the installation of a dental prosthesis. Patients are entitled to various guarantees throughout the period, including free adjustments, repairs, or replacements if there are problems with the treated area. The warranty does not cover issues resulting from neglect, accidents, or failure to follow post-treatment care instructions.

For example, Myra Dental Centre provides free correctional treatment for the duration of the 5-year guarantee on dental crowns and laminated veneers (except temporaries). Panoramic X-rays are used by licenced dentists to conduct annual examinations. Their Straumann implant treatment has a Lifetime manufacturer’s warranty. The Alfa Gate implant treatment has a 10-year manufacturer’s warranty. The E.Max, Celtra, and Zirconium dental crowns and bridges have a 5-year (except temporary) warranty. Inlays and Onlays have a 3-year (except temporary) warranty. Fillings and teeth whitening 1-year warranty. Any procedure that compromises the credibility of Myra Dental Centre without approval from the clinic or its authorised personnel is void of guarantee. 

Potential patients must meticulously check the dental treatment guarantee's terms and conditions and its stated duration. Certain guarantees are often subject to requirements, such as routine examinations, follow-up visits, or compliance with suggested dental hygiene procedures. Individuals must be informed that the guarantee is valid abroad, meaning they remain covered if they decide to go back to their country. An informed and satisfying patient experience is enhanced when dental treatment is provided in Turkey and involves clear contact with the dental facility and a comprehensive explanation of the terms and length of the guarantee.

What conditions are required to be met in Turkey to receive guaranteed dental treatment?

The conditions required to be met in Turkey to receive guaranteed dental treatment are listed below.

  • Reporting Problems on Time: Patients have a guaranteed period within the scope of which they must report any problems or consequences they encounter. Rapid communication facilitates an expedited evaluation and resolution of the issue.
  • Frequent Dental Check-Ups: Maintaining frequent dental check-ups is encouraged or essential even after the treatment phase has ended. The evaluations aid in the early detection of potential issues and enhance the treatment's entirety.
  • Treatment at the Same Dentist or Clinic: A requirement for guarantee coverage is typically to seek additional dental care or adjustments from the same dentist or clinic. Changing dentists without consulting them revokes the warranty.
  • Correct Record-Keeping: Keeping sufficient documentation, such as records of planned appointments, communication with the clinic, and any pertinent information, is beneficial while seeking guaranteed dental care.
  • Compliance with After-Treatment Care: The post-treatment care instructions that the dentist provides are usually mandatory for patients to follow. The guarantee gets impacted by improper oral hygiene practices or noncompliance with advised care.
  • Notification of Changes in Health Status: Patients are expected to notify the dentist of any changes in their health or any medical issues that affect the course of treatment. Full disclosure is required for the dentist to analyse potential dangers and make necessary modifications.
  • Arrangements for Follow-Up Visits: Certain dental clinics require routine follow-up visits to evaluate how well the dental treatment is going. Respecting the appointments is necessary for keeping the guarantee valid.
  • High-risk Activities Must Be Avoided: Patients are advised not to partake in any activities that have a significant chance of harming the area they received treatment. A requirement for guaranteed coverage is frequent adherence to such suggestions.

What are the Situations Not Covered by Dental Treatment Guarantee?

Dental Treatment Guarantee in Turkey

The situations not covered by the dental treatment guarantee are listed below.

  • High-Risk Activities: The patient's insurance does not cover any consequences if they engage in high-risk behaviours or activities that compromise the quality of dental work.
  • Interventions by Other Dentists: Notifying the primary dental practitioner in advance of seeking further dental care or modifications from a different dentist or clinic leads to coverage being excluded.
  • Failure to Follow Post-Treatment Guidelines: The warranty for certain issues gets nullified if the patient does not follow the dentist's post-treatment care instructions, which include dietary restrictions and prescribed medications.
  • Poor Oral Hygiene Practices: The warranty does not apply to issues that result from the patient not practicing good oral hygiene, such as consistent brushing, flossing, and follow-up care.
  • Accidents or Injury: The dental treatment guarantee does not cover damages from trauma, accidents, or other outside causes unrelated to dental care.
  • Wear and Tear Naturally: The regular incidence of natural wear and tear on dental prostheses or restorations over time is not covered by the warranty.
  • General Health Changes: Insurance does not cover changes in the patient's well-being or any medical issues that affect the dental treatment, particularly if the dentist was not informed of them at the first appointment.

How Should I Choose Clinics That Offer Dental Treatment Guarantees in Turkey?

Dental Treatment Guarantee in Turkey

You should choose clinics that offer dental treatment guarantees in Turkey by checking some factors listed below.

  • Credentials and Qualifications: Verify the credentials and accreditation of the dentist clinic and its staff. The clinic must have a dedication to providing high-quality dental care, involving participation in associations for professionals and certifications.
  • Obtaining Personal Referrals: Seek references from friends, family, or acquaintances who experienced dental treatments in Turkey. Individual experiences offer insightful details.
  • Convenience and Location: Evaluate the clinic's location and accessibility. Consider the transportation alternatives and select a clinic that is simple to find and readily available.
  • Credentials of Dentists: Verify the training and background of the dentists who are responsible for treating patients. Dentists with experience and skill levels add to the general satisfaction and success of dental procedures.
  • Credibility of Dental Clinic: Start by learning about Turkish dental clinics' reputations. Seek out internet endorsements, testimonies, and comments from previous patients. Reputable websites or platforms offer information on the level of service provided by the facility.
  • Compliance and Guidelines: Dental clinics must follow every requirement of healthcare legislation and standards. It covers the safety regulations and hygienic practices that provide a secure treatment setting. 
  • Technology and Facilities Evaluation: Examine the clinic's amenities and the dental technology employed. More efficient and comfortable treatments are easily achieved with the use of cutting-edge technology and equipment.
  • Treatment Guarantee Inquiries: Find out more regarding the details of the clinic's treatment guarantee. Understand the period of the guarantee, the covered processes, and any exclusions or special criteria. A thorough and open guarantee policy is a sign of strength.
  • Before and After Pictures: Look for pictures of the clinic's dental operations taken before and after the procedure. It gives concrete evidence of the clinic's competence and the calibre of what they produce.
  • Channels of Communication: Analyse the clinic's lines of contact. Ensure that there are open channels of contact for questions, setting up appointments, and resolving any issues. Effective communication is important for a satisfying experience for patients.
  • International Patient Services: Verify if the dental clinic offers services designed to meet the needs of foreign patients, particularly dental implant clinics. It involves help with lodging, transportation, and linguistic support.

What Process Do I Need to Follow to Use Dental Treatment Guarantee?

The process you need to follow to use a dental treatment guarantee starts with understanding the contract. Dental clinics have different contracts. The highest priority must be given to thoroughly reading the terms and conditions of the guarantee offered by the dental clinic to comprehend the extent of coverage, the time frame, and any particular demands. Patients are required to get in touch with the dental clinic immediately if problems arise during the guarantee period. Patients are advised to make an appointment for a follow-up checkup to ensure that the dentist evaluates the condition and decides whether the problem is covered by the guarantee.

Patients need comprehensive details on the issue, compliance with post-treatment care instructions, and any pertinent circumstances during the process. The dental office provides free modifications, repairs, or replacements to treat the covered conditions, depending on the evaluation. Patients must keep open communication with the clinic, attend regular visits, and follow any additional instructions provided to achieve a smooth and effective resolution within the context of the dental treatment guarantee.

An example of a dental treatment guarantee in Turkey is what Myra Dental Centre has. Myra stays in touch with the patient for a month following the completion of treatment to ensure the desired level of comfort with the teeth is achieved. It is done with the help of the Myra quality team, once the patient has finished every dental treatment and returned home. Myra Dental asks the patient for an X-ray (CBCT) scan so that the dental experts perform an extensive remote oral examination after the first year. The clinic tries to encourage the patients to visit the office once a year so they offer them the essential checkups. Maintaining the maximum degree of dental comfort for the patients is constantly the goal.

Are There Additional Fees for Repairs or Revisions Made Within the Scope of the Dental Treatment Warranty?

Dental Treatment Guarantee in Turkey

No, there are no additional fees for repairs or revisions made within the scope of the dental treatment warranty. Extra costs for adjustments or repairs that fall under the scope of a dental treatment warranty differ based on the particular terms and conditions provided by the dentist. Reputable clinics sometimes provide free adjustments or repairs during the warranty term as part of their dedication to customer satisfaction. Patients must properly analyse the warranty details provided by the clinic to determine if any scenarios result in additional payments.

Clear contact with the dental clinic is necessary for clarifying any potential expenses and ensuring a clear knowledge of the warranty coverage. Expenses are often associated with specific conditions, such as failure to follow post-treatment care recommendations or difficulties unrelated to the original dental surgery. Patients who want to make educated decisions about their dental care must proactively discuss these factors with the clinic to prevent misconceptions.